What do you think of TBT's URL?

Well, I don't really care. It would probobly be better without the little dashes, but everyone already knows it with the dashes, so if an old member wants to come back... >_< And bulk e-mails don't always work. Sometimes, they delete all bulk, or maybe they got their e-mail changed, so they would have no clue what in the world is going on, and why they can't get to TBT.
The only reason for them is because thebelltree.com is taken.
You're telling me you've never looked at the address bar all this time? o.0
dragonflamez said:
You're telling me you've never looked at the address bar all this time? o.0
No. Why would I do that?
Why wouldn't you? o.0

It could have been dfsmellsbad.com and you woun't have know :0