I was just curious, and translated my cyan house. Without any of the other houses next to it, it would just translate to "etc." Lol. Do your houses say random things because they're not in order or because you have an incomplete line up?
what's that you say?
Thank you for taking the time to look it up, I learned basic Japanese and I now what they all mean and I hate when people are like "I have the one with the lines and the curve thing" It hurts me inside ;-;
Thank you for taking the time to look it up, I learned basic Japanese and I now what they all mean and I hate when people are like "I have the one with the lines and the curve thing" It hurts me inside ;-;
Yours says "TsuNobu Udo" I'm pretty sure, except that doesn't mean much of anything I don't think. That's just what it said when I drew it into the translator lol
Oh lol my bad -0-I know what it says, it was a joke about being "incomplete"
mori tsu no bu u do
if only the つ and の were switched, then it'd be perfectly backwards
when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie,
ayyy, that's a mori!!
Your character literally says 'do'. I know the hiragana characters, so it bothers me a little when people have the incomplete phrase 'doubutsu no mori/どうぶつの森' or they're out of order. ._.
And that is a good question. I always assumed it would be the kanji that was the rarest character.
I wanna know why the の is so small
like most collectible rarity/prices/etc things, I assume they decide by throwing darts
because its small in the original logo as well
But why's it small in the original logo? ;D