What does a golden shovel do?

None of the above.

A golden shovel plants money trees
They all get the same amount if you put a hole behind you and keep hitting the rock continously
No. If you bury money using a regular shovel or a silver shovel it puts the money in the ground like any other object you bury. If done with the gold shovel it makes a tree, that may or may not produce a money tree. That is why when you pick one up it says "Few know its true worth"
The money you get from the rock depends on how quickly you hit it, and the number of items or patterns surrounding the rock. If you have patterns around half the rock, it will only let out so many bags of money
No I think it lets out the same amount but the ones that land on the patterns DISAPEAR...
I think when I used a silver shovel, when the bags came out there was a sparkle on them for a second