It’s becoming a more popular sentiment in gen Z who miss the memes from that year and some stupid stuff like youtube drama that basically ended after that, and some stuff from 2016 actually had bad effects that really set in starting the next year. I had bad things happen to me that year but think of it this way: people then could unite over their problems. People can’t even agree on how messed up things are anymore lol. Remember why did happen in 2016 though? Good memes, good music, Pokemon Go was fun for a couple of weeks, it was just so bizarre and so much unexpected stuff happened that year it was exciting. It’s hard to capture the zeitgeist of it here especially if you already decided that year sucked. It did not for me. 2016 was the last time I was really naive and had fun with memes and jokes and felt like people cared about the world before some sense of doom really set in. I don’t know how much of that is solely me but I definitely see things in a pre- and post-2016 way (and then again with 2020 but 2016 set in motion things that actually had bad effects AFTER that year).
The “problems” in that year felt more like fun drama. Yeah it was sad but like I said people united over it. It’s not as depressing as things since, where it feels like people have just become numb to problems and say suck it up, and we don’t truly have a common enemy. Like I know that sounds wrong, but how I look at it, it works. Things feel less exciting since 2016 and I don’t think things have actually improved in the world, I think people were way too harsh on that year and overlook what that year did have going for it. Honestly way more bad stuff happened in my personal life in 2017. Also a lot of people say 2018 was good and that was one of the worst years in my life

Same for 2019 I guess and… yeah 2020-on isn’t good. I actually had a better time in 2021, but 2020 and so far 2022 sucked. 2023 should be better. It doesn’t really change my point, I had a rough time but that doesn’t mean 2016 was a bad year and I think people forget what we lost after that. Compare people talking about 2016 to talking about 2020, because both are infamously hated and 2020 was way way way more gloomy. People can hardly even joke about anything that happened in comparison, it’s like in 2016 we actually had a sense of humor with what was happening and it was depleted after that.
edit: 2007 was a great year, Glink made a cool video about it.
edit: sorry that rant was so long im just really passionate about 2016 when ithink back on the years honestly