What if...


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2007
What if a new Smash Bros. game came out that only had characters based off of one Nintendo franchise. What franchise would you pick? I personally would pick the Mario series because there are many characters that could've made it into Brawl.

But honestly, it's the crossover characters that make Smash Bros. what it is. So if one franchise was chosen only, I would be a little disappointed.
Zelda or Fire Emblem.

Zelda because Toon/Link and Zelda/Sheik had a broad range of weaponry/attacks. And there are plenty of other characters that could go in.

Fire Emblem because between the axe/sword/lance-men/knight/paladin, archers & snipers, mages, and Laguz, there would be just as much diversity at SSB has, just from one series.
Not many characters IMO..
Unless you use every Link in the color spectrum. :S
JJH0369 said:
Zelda or Fire Emblem.

Zelda because Toon/]
I agree with the Fire Emblem. If you could use like all the main characters you could have so much more playable people.
I'd choose the Smash Bros franchise.

...And if that doesn't count, I'd choose Chibi-Robo. SO many diverse characters there.
That...wouldn't be a good thing. D:

But, I'd say Starfox. Lotta' characters they could use...
Gengar said:
That...wouldn't be a good thing. D:

But, I'd say Starfox. Lotta' characters they could use...
Yeah, Starfox has some amazing characters. (Wolf)