What is it that is costing me bells?


The past is obdurate
Jan 26, 2016
Jingle Christmas Doll
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
I've noticed that each time I post up a new villager being in boxes on my cycling thread, I seem to lose 1tbt. The posts include a picture of the villager and just a short line of writing saying that 'so and so is now in boxes for TBT'.

It's not a massive thing, as like I said it's only 1tbt a time. I am just curious. Also wondering where to find my transaction log? I found it before a long time ago but I can't remember where.
Click on your bells then click transactions :) Not sure if that's the only way ?
Maybe the picture is costing you? Sorry I can't be more sure :\ Hopefully someone else can clear it up!
Click on your bells then click transactions :) Not sure if that's the only way ?
Maybe the picture is costing you? Sorry I can't be more sure :\ Hopefully someone else can clear it up!

Thank you! That must have been how I found it before, just couldn't for the life of me remember. At least I can see my transactions now :) I did wonder if it was adding the picture that was costing the bells, if anybody could confirm that?
Thank you! That must have been how I found it before, just couldn't for the life of me remember. At least I can see my transactions now :) I did wonder if it was adding the picture that was costing the bells, if anybody could confirm that?

if you use the uploader on-site yes then it costs bells. just use
tags instead.
Oh I see! Thank you for that, I was starting to suspect it was something to do with posting pictures. Will do as suggested and use the tags instead. Thank you for your help :)