This is probably a noob question, but as you can see my account is fairly new. I almost always go on to the villager trading plaza, and I see some offers as IGB (which I presume mean In game bells) but most of them say TBT. What is TBT? How do I get it? How can I see how much I have? And how can I send it to another?
TBT is the currency on The Bell Tree forums. You get this currency by posting and making threads/polls. You can also sell goods and services to members on the site to get more TBT. TBT is usually used to buy animal crossing items and villagers but also used to buy artwork and services from people around the site. You can check how much you have by clicking the currency tab on the doc up there ^^^. If you want to send TBT to another user, you can click your bells (or the user you want to send bells to) and type their username in an the desired quantity.