What is your favorite AC game?

I've played all of them, but by far, New Leaf is my favorite. It is very different from the other games, and the art is beautiful. In the older games, things were so... pointy. Now things look much smoother. I also didn't like the way the camera moved in AC:pG. I am happy you don't need a gameboy to go to the island. I love the new species added. They give the game much more life and character. I also like how they changed the player model. Making them taller, and allowing for hats and other articles of clothing. Overall, New Leaf gives something different to the series, and I enjoy it the most.
New Leaf has such a cute and lovely aesthetic! The colours, the gentle softness of the music and graphics... it's definitely my favourite !
My favorite has to be New Leaf. I thoroughly enjoyed all the others, though there were some parts I couldn't play, due to lack of a Game Boy Advance. I wasn't able to explore all that Animal Crossing had to offer until New Leaf.

New Leaf has such a cute and lovely aesthetic! The colours, the gentle softness of the music and graphics... it's definitely my favourite !

I totally agree on this :)
I've never played Wild World, so I can't say on that one..
but between the GameCube version, City Folk, and New Leaf, I'd have to say New Leaf.
As great as New Leaf is, I have to say the original gamecube animal crossing. There's just something about it that the other games can never top. Nostalgia maybe?
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New Leaf is my Fave but i like the others for other reasons. I only really play Gamecube and New leaf now anyways.
New Leaf is the best Animal Crossing game and there's really no argument there. There are still some things I think that the GCN version did better, and I personally enjoyed the GCN version more... but I was young and it was my first Animal Crossing. New Leaf wins by a longshot.
New Leaf. It has a lot of things in the game to do which makes me addicted to the game. ._.
Probably CF. That was the game that I fell in love with the fastest and brought my family together :p