What is your favorite Animal Crossing game?

What is your favourite Animal Crossing game?

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Aug 15, 2016
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Tasty Cake
Mine is probably Animal Crossing: City Folk because I grew up playing it and I love Serena.
Animal Crossing: Population Growing is my favorite for a lot of reasons.
Animal Crossing: Population Growing is my favorite for a lot of reasons.

It's a great game! I just need Wild World to finish my collection of the main Animal Crossing games. The only thing I don't like about Animal Crossing:)Population Growing) is how so many weeds spawn when you're gone for a while... It doesn't seem to be like City Folk or New Leaf where not many will spawn.
I'm quite "new" to the series and New Leaf is the only AC game I've played so far, so I guess that one.
City Folk for sure. That game was my childhood, and I have many more good memories of playing that than I think I ever will playing the newer ones.
I've only had New Leaf and HHD, and out of the two NL is definitely better.
I have a hard time choosing between two 3ds games. I voted HHD since it has better features.
I honestly love all of them and I cannot pick a favorite to save my life
I picked New Leaf because a friend showed me this forum and it is a lot of fun to visit and trade with people in the community. Though I played the Gamecube Animal Crossing almost every day for over a year. I was surprised I stayed interested in a game that long and it was cool to see how the game changed in the different seasons.
i grew up playing wild world, so that's a favorite, but new leaf probably takes the cake tbh ♥
New leaf because it has more stuff to do in game than the other games.
Not counting the spin off games (Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Fest.) I've only played two Animal Crossing games, City Folk and New Leaf. City Folk has a ton of nostalgia but I've had more fun with New Leaf and I've put more time and effort into that town so I'm going with ACNL.
Wild world

The OG DS version, it can't beat anything else

and for f's sake will they bring back my damn recycling bin
It's a tie between the original and NL. I love the Nostalgia of the original, but the freshness of NL.
I've played since Wild World (I haven't played Amiibo Festival since I don't have a Wii U, and I haven't played much of City Folk) and I have to say New Leaf is my favourite. There just seems more to it than the other games, more to create and explore. In Wild World there were hardly any holidays, and I don't think any of the spin-off games will ever be as good as the main ones. So yeah, New Leaf is my favourite, due to the improvements they made :)