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What is your reason of being?


I want to live for my family, I want to live for a good happy life with a successful job and to do what I like the most. But idk maybe that's what just I think I want to live on.

I kinda want to make others happy and do things that make me happy but I'm kinda failing on that... hah
Life is boring and dumb and I just want to die
I don't know how to respond to this and I don't think I have the right to...because many times I feel the same way.
I don't know you of course and I'm not one of those people that will just say "it gets better" without knowing about the other person's life but the only thing I can do if just offer a listening ear if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm not really good at giving advice and even though I cannot do anything for anyone I always try my best.

thank you for reading my post.

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I'm really sorry to hear that, and all I can say that I don't love my family because it is family, I love them because we've spent a lot of time together and because they are also my friends. A lot of families don't have that, and I know a lot of people who are suffering from being too tied to their families while it is crumbling and they cant go on with their lives because of that. Having people around you that care about you and that you care about is what matters, family or not. Treasure your friends, if they are good ones. Sorry if I made it sound too harsh, I didn't mean to if that is the case.

It didn't sound harsh at all. please don't feel bad for me. I don't want to be a burden in anyway. I agree with what you wrote. I've come to "terms" with it I think or maybe I am in denial. Sometimes I still have nightmares of my childhood. I don't want to get too personal , but even though it's been really hard for me, I think those experiences and my lack of family and support system,in my case made me appreciate any little thing and everyone that's ever cared for a person like me and I always feel indebted to them.
The other day when I went to go do groceries there was an elderly couple together shopping and laughing holding hand. I over heard them saying that they were 70 but will always feel like 20. when I read your response, I thought of them. :) That's really lovely. Although I don't really believe in any God. I haven't been blessed with such a faith. I do like to get into conversations about religions and spirituality. I respect everyone's point of view. Like sometime friends say that they will keep me in their prayers and I feel guilty and also honored that they would pray for a person like me. I also like the aesthetics of some religions, like Latin spoken in mass etc etc .

How rad is that! I pray that if I reach that age, it will be with my wife, and we'd both be the exact same way, as young at heart as we are now.

I find it strange people don't believe in God. I wouldn't ever push it on people to do so, as it's none of my business. I went to college studying theology just because I was so spiritually tormented. It still baffles me even years later, I think a lot of the refusal to believe in a god has to do with the negative portrayal of the church and the constant insistence that religion and science are so decisively separated. I am all ways curious to hear peoples arguments against a god, just as you are interested in discussions of a spiritual nature. Good to keep an open mind rather than just deciding you're right.
To not disappoint myself in the future haha!

It is kind of silly but people change and I'm no exception. Even if I despise the way things are right now, I am nobody to say who I'll be, where I'll go, and what I want in the future.

I've been around people that make me glad I'm alive, that "make it all worth it" per se. But people come and go really, really fast. I'd be saying I've been living a very disjointed and disconnected existence if I said it was for others, though that's not totally untrue. This is someone who thinks the world is horribly beautiful and yet fails to appreciate it enough to appreciate myself that doesn't even make sense woops

Sometimes there's a really fine line between living and existing 8'D I wonder if one can be the one for the other.

It makes sense :)
I also feel like there is a difference between living and existing. I'll probably confuse myself while explain but it's like..some people say they want to die. previously someone posted something about living to be remembered because they don't want to be forgotten. I think, (and this is only what I think it's okay if anyone thinks differently) wanting to die and death, even though you're no longer "alive" you can be alive in someone's memory. if that makes sense. not wanting to exist...i feel that there's nothing after that. you can be alive and still be dead and you can be dead and still be alive but non existent is just return to nothingness. does that make sense? I wrote too much.

but thanks for answering.

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I'm really happy that people replied to this thread. I liked reading your responses....with the exception of 1 not cool post that I will not even entertain with a reply...... I will continue to reply to every one's posts. Thank you
To be honest, I kind of dislike living? I've always have? I hate the idea of working until we die so that our futures aren't miserable. I have no idea what to expect because I've never had any great motivation or dreams (career wise), and there's not really anyone that I can look up to. The fact that I'm clumsy and shy doesn't really help me to pursue any small goals that I do have.
The only thing I sorta wanna do now is get married maybe? and have a few pets as our kids.

On a half serious note: I just wanna be a cat so that I can sleep all day and have one responsibility: look cute so that i will be taken care of
Oh boy here we go... inc long ass post.

What is your reason of being?
My reason that I was created is a mystery. I have yet to find the exact reason I was born. However, I understand a few minor reasons like I was able to support my family when my father left. I took care of my sister while I was in high school while my mother worked her ass off 24/7 and wore herself out. Now I take care of both of them. I also think I was put on our Earth to understand it's energy, it's power. I feel like I'm one of the only people who realize the value of nature, our Earth and it's energy. To be able to stand upon the ground we walk on is a miracle itself. (I also take in stray, injured animals and help them recuperate... I've always done it. It burns a hole in my pocket but I CAN'T STAND seeing stray, hurt animals.)

What do you live for?
Knowledge. Understanding. Truth. Mysteries. Adventure. Even though I'm a scientist, I am very spiritual. I am not religious. I live for God and our Lord Christ. Through them, I am but an innocent human soul waiting to uncover life's greatest mysteries. I know I am mortal, but I strive for knowledge. I don't strive for power. I seek to learn the knowledge of the entire Universe and beyond. To understand why God does the things He does, why He makes such beautiful planets, why He granted me the hunger to know above and beyond. Why am I so attached to the stars? Why does the Universe never end? The questions of the Universe, I want to know. I am so destined to uncover these mysteries that it had me question my Faith a couple of times. I always reverted back to my Bible and calmed myself down. The galaxy is an amazing existence. Our Milky Way is one of the many millions of others. Why? Why is that? I must uncover these questions. I want to be in awe at God's power. I want to see all the beautiful things He can create. How He does it and why does He do it for us?

What does life mean to you?
Beauty. Courage. Emotion. To breathe, to live, to exist. Life means so much more than what we know. We are born and work until we cannot work anymore, all for someone else's happiness. Life is more than that. This is why I reject the system we currently live in. Life is about adventure; it's about growing wise and becoming leaders for the younger. It's about enjoying the things you do and loving everything about it. You aren't suppose to hate life; you're supposed to embrace it. Why are sunsets so beautiful? Why do the birds chirp after a long storm? Why does the warmth of the sun feel so refreshing? These are symbols of the beauty of life. Embrace those tiny gifts, because they are all apart of us. We share them together. We are all one of the same being, enjoying the fresh air of our mother Earth. The meaning of life is different for everyone. The joy in life is to find out what is important to you and pursue it. This is life. That is called being human. It is being mortal; it is the essence of being alive.

(Sorry for the long post and spiritual talk. I take stuff like this very seriously.)
Thank you for the thread, man. This is a really good topic, I love it! Cheers.
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Oh man, this thread is seriously amazing. Reading other people's thoughts and meaning of life huh.

I'm one of those that's still looking for the reason of my being. Right now, my life is boring and everything is uninteresting. I'm just going with the flow. My reason of being at the moment is to find out my reason.
to make people laugh
I like that. I love to laugh very much...but I don't get to do it as much. I read what you wrote and it reminded me of a video a co-worker sent me to cheer me up. it's really cute and funny.

I feel like we also have to do our part to make the people that like to make people laugh, laugh as well. does that make sense >_<

thanks for answering ^_^
well i mainly want to live for happiness and my life is not bad at all because right now i'm going through what everyone else is going through but it's always going to get better so i just live life and i don't want it to go to waste
i feel the same as jake p much
i just live for fictional characters and the thought of maybe settling down someday perhaps
oh right. trench reminded me. i live for my family, cats and friends too lol

fictional characters, that's cool too. I feel that many people turn to them for inspiration and hope in their everyday lives. What fictional characters do you live for? Although I don't particularly live for, I really identify with the little prince of the book of with the same title. it's my favorite book and it inspires me so much. :) Thanks for answering.
fictional characters, that's cool too. I feel that many people turn to them for inspiration and hope in their everyday lives. What fictional characters do you live for? Although I don't particularly live for, I really identify with the little prince of the book of with the same title. it's my favorite book and it inspires me so much. :) Thanks for answering.

haha im a really dorky nerd. i love turbo/king candy from wreck-it ralph, edward nigma and jonathan crane from batman, the list goes on and on and on... i have RPs with my friend with them so i can be "close" to them in a sense. im really sorry my answer wasnt well-thought out or put together nicely; im just feeling so bad that i can barely string a few sentences together. princess unikitty advocates positivity, but im finding it very difficult these days. im sure if i combed through and really thought about it, i could give you a more indepth answer.

i hope to do so a little later, maybe after i start going to therapy again.
Hm, an interesting topic. I feel I have a lot to live for, I'm very happy with my life; I have two loving parents and a sweet lil' doggy and kitty who I love to bits. But I'm worried about my work ethic; I can never actually delve into something and get it done and I get drawn into my own fantasyland very easily. I worry I will struggle to get accepted to the university I want as a result. I'm really quite lazy, my parents get frustrated with me sometimes because I can't be bothered to clean up after myself or help around the house. It makes me feel really bad.

I also have so many artistic passions. I love music and writing. I've already written two novels, 'The Tongue Teller' and my planned series 'Pillagers on Peaceful Shores'. I want to pursue my passions but now that in this day and age, it will be a struggle to hold myself together financially if I do so. Sometimes when I think about my future it makes my tummy sink, but I know I have great family and friends who will be there for me all the way. I'm just worried I'll be too dependant on them.

I feel because you have a passion for something you will be able to overcome your work ethic issues. See you already wrote two novels which is an accomplishment :) many times when you're growing up you'll hear people say you can be whatever you want but when you get older you see that they made it sound so easy. I know what if feels like to worry about the future...and sometimes I worry so much that I am unable to move forward. I 'm not really a positive person but you know you say you have friends and family that are there for you all the way and it's a wonderful thing to have support system especially when that doubt kicks in :) I hope that I can read your stories someday and thanks for answering.
I've found the only thing I really live for now is for my makeshift future since I met an amazing guy, and if he was gone I just wouldn't really have a purpose.
I exist because my parents had a baby. It's that simple.
I was an accident

Also this is pretty much what I think too.

:/ I felt that way for a very long time....I don't have a relationship with my parents at all...and I grew up with resentment towards them for bringing me into this world. Sometimes I think if people had choice to be born...would they? I think too much :/ thanks for answering.
I believe that my reason is to live for God. By that I mean living the way he wants me to live. In a year and a half, I'm going out to Tanzania (with some friends) to help build a school for them. We have to raise ?10,000, plus an extra thousand for our trip there but we believe that God provides. That's an example of what I mean. :)

I also feel that life should be lived to the full, and should be enjoyed. Living a good life is important after all.
Being a christian i belive in being created, but i do not believe that we have a set future.

We decide our own fates.

I live for one reason. I dont know yet.

One day though, i will find out why.
I live because I'm here, and am incredibly lucky to be here so should make the best of it.
I have goals, and things to look forward to .. although right now exams are making me think 'WHAT IS THE POINT'