What items would you be excited to see ?


Galaxolotl with a lunar sheen
Jul 2, 2015
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Orange Crescent Moon
Planet Glow Wand
Yellow Crescent Moon
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
White Crescent Moon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Pink Crescent Moon
January Birthstone (Garnet)
As the game updates and gives us new items, what are some stuff you would love to see appearing in the game ?
Would it be some previous games items, or completely new ones ?

For me I'd love to get some of Pocket Camps items, especially anything gothic themed. Oh, and customizable fences.
More furniture sets. They don't have to be from the previous games, just give us more sets. Right now it seems very limited in what we have. I'd love more variety.
More modern stuff. The modern steel bridges (not the weird wooden blue iron bridge that doesn't even have a red pendant despite there being a red incline), modern street lamps, the minimalist, modern, sleek and sloppy series, the glass partition and other partitions, glass stuff in general, Gracie sets, better wigs or hairstyles, more wings, and stuff like the aurora screen, rainbow screen from NL and the gazebos, fountains, new tree-types and bushes from PC that would have made absolute perfect sense in a mainline game where we can actually put stuff outside now.

EDIT: I forgot to mention gyroids! Those are the most important actually
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I’m actually super excited to see what they do with the Mario/Nintendo item update in March.

One of my favorite things to do in New Leaf was to collect the Zelda and Mario furniture, and dedicate a whole room of my house to it. Imagine being able to do that outside now?! o_O
I’d love to see more food items— I mentioned this in another thread, but I feel like we have a lot of desserts & holiday dishes, but not many everyday main dishes. I love the cute little foods they introduced in HHD, like the pasta dish, the burger meal, the breakfast trays, cheese plates, etc... people could totally be extra creative with their kitchen/cafe rooms with the addition of more food!

I’d also like to see something akin to the regal, princess, or gorgeous sets from previous titles. Just something that feels extra fancy and fit for a princess. People have made such great castles out of their houses, but I feel like we don’t have much “fancy” furniture at the moment.
I know they most likely won’t ever add it back, but I really wish we had the Alpine series in New Horizons. It was my favorite series in New Leaf along with the Pave series and I had rooms in both of my towns that are completely furnished with all the items for that respective set. I loved them so much and I don’t really like most of the indoor sets in New Horizons.
I would love it if some of the public works projects would come back as items

especially this one
After the amazing job they have done with the furniture since launch, I'm open to whatever they want to throw at me. I just want them to keep the creativity and taste seen so far.

I don't care about furniture sets but I trust they will deliver great goods if they decide to release some "standard" sets. They can either bring previous sets with the HD coat (like Mermaid series), do slight redesigns (like Classic -> Antique) or complete new ones.

However, if I'm allowed to dream, I'd love to see some big bad boys like giant statues and topiaries.
I'd love to see all the food items return, and some of the ones that are in PC.
I remember in NL there was a rice cake and the afternoon tea set to name a few, and eventually through the welcome amiibo update you could get pancakes and potato gratin from Franklin's RV.

and as mentioned above, I think the topiaries you could obtain in NL on Weeding Day would be an amazing addition.
I really just want more outdoors-y items haha. Just anything that looks suitable for outside. It's always awkward when it's raining out and all my poor books are getting soaked (I mean I'll leave the books out either way, because so many of the islanders like to read).

But definitely would like to see more outdoor acceptable seating and tabling options, especially of varying sizes. I love anything that glows or produces light. I have a hard time seeing the game when it's nighttime, so I always place the various lighted items to help me get around.
I just dig nature-y things, so anything with a plant or growing type vibe would make me happy. I like a lot of the DIY furniture, I just wish there was more.

I also wish there was more BIG stuff. Like the lighthouses and stonehenge style stuff, the really impressively large items. Ironically, I would also like to see more 1x1 items to fill in those annoying little areas on cliffs that we have to make. I want mushrooms that don't count as "trash / clutter" on my island!
I want some more medieval or Gothic themed sets, preferably for outdoors too. I had plans for a medieval island, but I just don't think there's enough outdoors stuff to do it very well (or at least, not compared to my island on Dragon Quest Builders 2 which I suppose is better themed to that sort of thing anyway).

I'd also love some more food items! Although I do like the cake items, I'd like to have a few more non-bakery items (like the noodles we already have, more things like that).

Also, I would be so happy with a new windmill! It was such a lovely item, I would LOVE to have that on my island.

  • Pwps from older games
  • The Moon vanity
  • Bistro table
  • Beach table
  • Polka dot set
  • Gorgeous set
  • Regal set
  • Princess set
  • Patchwork set
  • Alpine set
  • Pocket Camp furniture
  • Food furniture
  • Sweets set
  • Rococo set
  • Stair dresser
  • Flower pots
  • Old Gulliver's items.
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definitely on team PWP. the wisteria arch, my forever love, lost to me. they'd fit in so nicely with the whole outdoor decorating idea so I'm upset they weren't brought over. and I also miss the alpine set! and the regal set. so yeah new furniture sets would be great :D
i really want more animal crossing like furniture and clothing
u know weird things like the froggy chair and the funky wig, things u wouldn't normally see in other games or irl

the items in NH are too modern and basic

like just look at that high quality fashion, then there's just that NH outfit, it's so lame and uncreative imo
i mean, the black shirt's ok but it just doesn't feel like something u would have in animal crossing