What laptop should I get?


No matter how gifted, you alone cannot change the
Aug 24, 2009
Okay, I am getting a new laptop today and I just can't make up my mind of what I want. I have chosen, what I think are the best in the store. Should I get: Sony Vaio, HP, Acer, Dell, Lenovo or Toshiba. I just want to see what people think of these makes. Thank You!
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It depends, what are you going to use your laptop for? Sony and Toshiba make good laptops for entertainment purposes, or so I've heard. Also, avoid Dell altogether. Their laptops are horrible and are known for crashing. I ignored these rumors and I got a Dell laptop and it loves to freeze up, infact I'm using it right now.
Thanks for all your help people. I was just about to get Lenovo but the person in PCWorld said there was only one left and it was the show model. So I got a HP one. Thanks!
Thanks for all your help people. I was just about to get Lenovo but the person in PCWorld said there was only one left and it was the show model. So I got a HP one. Thanks!

Nobody recommends HP -> Get HP anyway.

HP are a horrible company and they make horrible computers. Just saying.
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Yeah.... 2 people in my house have gone HP, and they were broken within two months.
Nobody recommends HP -> Get HP anyway.

HP are a horrible company and they make horrible computers. Just saying.
I'm sorry, but I hadn't got enough statistics by the home I got the laptop. I did say "Today". So, please don't judge me on what I have got. Anyway I was going to get Lenovo but there was none left and there ware out of the Sony Vaio.