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What personalities would you add?


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Jul 29, 2013
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I don't know if there's already been a thread for this, but I thought it would be fun to think about if there were other personalities in Animal Crossing! There are only eight personalities in the game (Lazy, Cranky, Uchi, Peppy, Jock, Snooty, Normal, Smug) which means you could have two of two types in your town. I think it would be way more awesome if there was even more variety, even if you couldn't fit the all the personalities into one town. It would really make going to other people's towns more fun (since you might meet personality types that you don't have in your own town) and if some personality types were rarer than others, the additions could perhaps turn some more disliked villagers into villagers people actually search for. So far, I've got two ideas for personalities I think would be fun to see:

1. Nerdy personality: This would be for male villagers! They would have a stronger interest in bugs and fossils than other villagers, and maybe even have a stutter. They might ramble a bit more than other villagers, as well. They would have a lot of trouble interacting with Snooty and Jock types, but they'd make best friends with any Normal or Peppy villagers in the town and talk about them a lot. They would suggest some of the more historical, science-y, or modern PWPs, such as the modern bridge or parabolic antenna. In general, they'd be somewhat similar to Peppy types - friendly, enthusiastic, and maybe even a bit overbearing - but instead of their interests lying in how cute they look/what a star they are/etc, they'd go on about the museum (maybe even thank you for your contributions occasionally), reading, and bug collecting. They'd also be more likely to appear in the museum, and be up very early each day!

2. Shy personality. For female villagers. They would be somewhat similar to Normal villagers, but instead of being instantly outgoing and friendly, they would have to warm up to you first, sort of like Cranky villagers. They would get along famously with Nerdy, Normal, and Lazy types, but really clash with Cranky, Snooty, and Peppy personalities. They'd have a strong interest in gardening and art (very likely to sell or give you paintings), and it would take a long time to get their picture. They will often ask players to bring presents and the like to other villagers, though, as they are too embarrassed to take them. In general, they'd be very self-depreciative when asking anyone for favors, and extremely grateful when you get them done. Occasionally you might catch them fretting over their appearance, but they are definitely not as concerned with it as Snooty or Peppy villagers. Overall, very kind, but very withdrawn and requires a lot of patience to be friends with!

So, yeah! That's all I have for now; what personalities can you come up with that you'd like to see? c: Or do you think that adding any more personalities would be too much or redundant?
Hehe I already made a thread about this. But I would add a tsundere...hehe.
an awkward personality, so they say or do awkward things or say the wrong things to other villagers lolol how cute
Hehe I already made a thread about this. But I would add a tsundere...hehe.

Sorry, I didn't mean to steal it! ;___;

Anyway tho I had to look up what tsundere is, and Wiki says this, "Tsundere is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing his or her warm side over time." I would say that's a lot like Cranky villagers already, idk!
I like elements of your "Shy" personality description, but I personally would zero in more on the artistic interests and call it the "Artist" personality. ^^ Sort of the female answer to the Jocks, I guess.
Sorry, I didn't mean to steal it! ;___;

Anyway tho I had to look up what tsundere is, and Wiki says this, "Tsundere is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing his or her warm side over time." I would say that's a lot like Cranky villagers already, idk!

No no it's okay xD It's probably dead by now anyway.
I thought Tsundere also has some...love in it. lol unless it's yandere.

*not familiar with those two*
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I like the idea of a looney/crazy personality. They are often seen talking to themselves, there houses often have clashing furniture. They spit out gibberish, have derpy emotions, etc...
Sorry, I didn't mean to steal it! ;___;

Anyway tho I had to look up what tsundere is, and Wiki says this, "Tsundere is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing his or her warm side over time." I would say that's a lot like Cranky villagers already, idk!
we still need a tsundere female personality

i want a yandere one
These are more gender-neutral than anything else. I would like for some personalities to apply to both male and female villagers and because I can't decide on what these ones would suit which one, I won't specify anything.

Naturalist - They love nature. Plants, rivers, fish, bugs, you name anything to do with those, and they'll be your encyclopedia. They even give you advice on the best conditions for shrubs, what time of day some bugs and fish spawn etc. You can see them admiring shrubs and watering flower.

Bookish - These villagers are quite quiet and shy and it can take you some time to get them to come out of their shells. They love to read, and will often describe titles that they've been reading recently. Depending on the villager, they have particular genres they're into.

Philosopher - They're more into the big questions of life. They would probably get on with smug villagers. They like to think about karma and other such ideas (although considering the actual game, religious stuff would be left out of course.) They're also into star signs, luck, and other ideas in the game mechanics.

Nurturing - The fatherly/motherly/parent-y/teacher-y type of person (unless Normal and/or Uchi counts as that). They like to make sure you're all dressed up warm for winter, that you're eating enough/properly, that you're remembering you're manners, that you're taking time for yourself and making sure your work and play is balanced out accordingly. They'll probably send you things in the mail related to seasonal changes (e.g. a heater in the Winter for example.) They'll give you advice for things like on how to manage time, or how to deal with stress, or even how to make leftovers last longer.
Like we have Uchi, it'd be cool to have a big brother too. (Or a little brother, but I feel like the lazy villagers are little brothers to me.)
Nobody said Cheapskate yet. I'm very unique. :blush: Anyway.

Cheapskate is a personality about a villager that is stingy about bells. They Usually don't go shopping often so its more likely to see them in your town. While talking they usually talk about their bells and how they're gonna save money a little too much. While in a conservation with you. They usually tell you about giving items to you, but you have to pay them. They rarely give you bells at a high price but you have to give them the item they want. They don't get along with other villagers cause they usually ask about paying bells for items for a high price, they never learn that the other villager has bells for other stuff that are important. :p Like that idea?
the villager will constantly talk about their wild antics and behave childishly.

the villager is always concerned with doing what is right and sometimes recollects to the player about them helping other villagers with various tasks. noble villagers put others before themselves and are happy to do it.
maybe like a comedian personality where they're always telling really awful jokes!! or maybe good jokes depending on the villager

like a little dr. shrunk living in a cute lil house
Hehe I already made a thread about this. But I would add a tsundere...hehe.

I feel like cranky villagers are the tsundere types, though? o-o

Anyway, the other day I was thinking of maybe a Hikikomori villager (basically a person who never leaves their home).
I feel a lot of these personalities suggested are already at least touched on by the current personalities. :X Mischievous might work on its own though, even if all the neighbors can be a little mischievous.

We have Normals which already act as the slightly shy or softspoken types (at least from what i see when they talk to other neighbors). They also seem to be the type to slightly research things (Nan often tells me about her researching the bugs and fish in our town).

Jocks are our awkward types, as they seem to misunderstand things pretty often in conversation. They also can be our slightly crazy types at times.

Peppy is another crazy-like type at times while also being a bit prissy (but still friendly).

We got the tomboy females already (or uchi as people like to call them) what with them talking about nightraids and fights and such, as well as having a mentor quality too.

Grumpy... were supposed to have a tsundere-like quality to them but got watered down badly. They have their moments of that, but now have become more fatherly.

Snooty was another that was supposed to have a touch of tsundere, but also got watered down. They are now just the prissy girls.

Lazy... fits its description pretty well still and also can have a younger brother vibe at times.

I call this personality the "Hipsters" but as many of you know them, Smugs are our nerds that talk about specialized interests. Had zell tell me about how he wished anime songs would play in clubs and his stamp collection... as well as talk about his poetry and fashion sense. This fits a nerd and flamboyant type of personality.

After analyzing all this, I suppose an anti-social type would be interesting... They'd be a mix of a lot of the personalities already suggested and put them into one role; the socially awkward, shy, at times maybe even snapping at you if they felt uncomfortable. It'd fit a neat role of being rare, dual-gendered, and also take a step outside the box for a neighbor you would have to really work on. Perhaps they'd be the hardest to gain a picture from too.

Conversations with them would probably start off very low key. And for laughs, in the beginning instead of pinging and running to you, they suddenly run the other way. Enter their house unannounced and they might freak and ask you to leave.

It's unlikely Nintendo would ever put in such a personality, but I'm sure there would be a way to make it work so the neighbor doesn't come off as cold or unfriendly. Giving this neighbor type a growing personality could be fun so after they warm up to you, they become less socially awkward (except maybe when they talk to other villagers with clashing personalities or when you push them around, hit them, or pitfall them).