What soliders might be wearing. In the future.

Ha... that's not [real] futuristic, that's like a toy :0

The future is here! http://projects.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/proje...EDIA/xv/oc.html
I don't don't see how that would help you stay alive in iraq.

---------------------------------------ZOMG REINACTMENT--------------------------------

"sdashjkasdhaskjdh" ( Translation: Theres an amercian over there! )

*American soldier hides*

"sadhasjldhasjdak" ( Translation: Hes just a shiloette I can see if I squint my eyes! D: O well, lets just use a bomb )

* BOOM *

Another sacifice for freedom. T_T
Actually, they are working with optical camouflage right now.

And your scenario is way off! They wouldn't be able to see you in the first place!
Actually, they are working with optical camouflage right now.

And your scenario is way off! They wouldn't be able to see you in the first place!
What about the truck/van that is projecting the image?

*blow up van/truck*

Now you can see em.
That's not what optical camouflage is -.-
Fine, but you cacn still see them if you squint.

They could also just shoot randomly, and hope they hit.

Well if you think you're so smart, then tell me where you would shoot! :gyroidveryhappy:

Well if you think you're so smart, then tell me where you would shoot! :gyroidveryhappy:

Horizonally in a stright line, around 2 feet off the ground.
Wrongo! And you just gave away your position! :gyroidsurprised:
Optical camo would be great for many situations, like what about sniping? or pretty much any covert operation. it would be very hard to see any one, nearly impossible at a distance, not impossible but a whole lot harder.
Ha! Told you Fanghorn! :gyroidveryhappy:

By the way, that guy kind of looks like a Power Ranger or something :0