What Styles Would You Like For K.K. Songs in Future Games?


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Mar 22, 2008
Winter Mittens
It was a pleasant surprise that the 2.0 update brought us a number of new K.K. songs. It's already got me thinking about what I'd like to see in the future.

Personally, I'd love to see a medieval style song next. Perhaps from one of the formes fixes (virelai, rondeau, ballade). I'd also love to see the album cover artwork showing K.K. Slider and other villagers in medieval art style! I know people are not likely to recognize those terms, but I care not, because I don't recognize "Break", "Chillwave", "Dub", "Chorinho", etc.
I know I’m alone here but I’d like more upbeat or western songs. My favorite music genre country. Chorinho was my personal favorite of the new songs. Lovers was also great.
Dubstep? Rockabilly, Boy Band - more creepy songs would be cool, too. Maybe some more cutesy/fairycore songs?
More holiday music! Not enough so far and it would be nice to have multiple holiday music like 5 Christmas songs and for Halloween.
If we have multiple songs of a style of music, they could start putting them in albums instead of individual songs. So when you select an album, the multiple songs of that album would play in their cycle and have a way to select an individual song for repeat through the music player. Personally I think that would be really nice. Or have the ability to make a playlist through your music player for it to automatically cycle that particular playlist.
i would love to see kk electroswing because little neoratz would poop herself about it. i was curious if anyone already did this and i found this cool fanmade one on youtube!
i think i'd really like whatever they come up with for an electroswing song because kk swing is already my favorite kk song EVER