what tablet should i get?


i eat bugs
Jan 28, 2016
New Leaf Token
Poptart Easter Egg
White Cosmos
not sure if this would go here but since its art related i assumed it would

my tablet broke recently, the cord is broken but the tablet itself is VERY weird, its like someone hit it and the touch wont work in some places. it was a wacom intuos small, and i really liked it. im nto sure if i should get another one of them but i'd like some on what tablet to get!! nothing over like.. 125$. im not doign commissions and i dont need anything fancy
I think getting a Wacom Intuos Small again wouldn't be bad idea. Personally I've never used a tablet other than the Wacom Intuos Pro Medium but I love it. But that cost like $400 so might as well go with the small or non- Pro version
Wacom's are generally a good brand to go for and the majority of artists seem to use that brand. I use a Wacom bamboo! Good luck on your search~ :)
I personally have a Wacom Intous Draw (is that even what its called lol idk its a Wacom Intuos) and I have the small one. I got mine for like $70 - $80 and its great. I also recommend Huion tablets :blush:
thanks! i think ill just go with the new intuos small even though the redesign is.. really ugly