So I've made up my mind to, once again, delete my ACNH save and start all over. However, I'd like some advice for what I should do early-game. I hope that other new players could also use the responses given to help them out too. Thank you in advance!
Try and get as many nook miles as possible.
You have to spend a LOT of them on stuff. Don't waste them on nook mile tickets either unless it's to get resources. Starting villagers don't get their real houses, so unless you love a villager but hate their house, the starting 3 you can find will always be inferior.
Try and get as many materials as possible. The early game has you using a lot for such stuff as the bridge, the shop, the houses.
And then of course you're going to want to craft stuff to decorate your island.
Make sure any fish and bugs you catch for the first time, you save for the museum. It tells you if it's your first time catching it, so it's the best way to know if it's been donated or not.
It might be worth letting yourself get stung by a wasp so your sisterly villager can give you the DIY for medicine.
Okay well as someone who just restarted their island recently here's what you need to do:
1. Make all of your Tools
2. Carry your workbench around to craft stuff
3. Use Custom Designs to mark where you want to put buildings
4. Craft a wooden waste bin to throw away unwanted items
5. Make a 2nd character to store items in the Recycle Bin when the user is the Follower.