What to do with fake paintings/statues?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
Egbert was kind enough to send me a tremendous statue or so I thought. Turns out it's fake. The nooks won't buy it and I don't want to give it to a villager cause I'm sure they will put it in their house. How do you get rid of these things?
You can throw it into a trash can or drop it on a mystery island. Some people like to decorate with it so you can sell it to other players.
I actually have several fake paintings in my house and a few fake statues around my island. Maybe I'll replace them once I've donated the real ones, or not. They can be fun.
I have a fake painting in my house as a decoration, and a fake statue in my park. I think they're kind of fun as decorations around your island!
You can sell it, a lot of people still buy fake statues! I’ve bought a couple of fakes and decorate parts of my island with it! Personally I don’t care if it’s a fake I think statues are too much fun to decorate with!
decorate with it, or sell it! I like to buy fakes to put in my house or around my island. But it's totally up to you!
I love decorating with the fake statues! I’d love to get one of those in the post (seems quite large for a postbox 🤔)
I bought a fake Beautiful Statue here, and have it on a terraformed area in my cemetery.
Personally I use them to decorate around my island where I deem fit! Kind of a waste to throw them away even if they're fake.
I usually don't find duplicates of the real statues, so I use the fakes to decorate places around my island!
I have 8 spots in front of my museum where I want to display any fake statue I can get my hands on. Fake paintings get trashed unless they're cool or pretty.
i personally use the fake statues to decorate around my museum and use certain fake paintings for decoration, too ;u;