Egbert was kind enough to send me a tremendous statue or so I thought. Turns out it's fake. The nooks won't buy it and I don't want to give it to a villager cause I'm sure they will put it in their house. How do you get rid of these things?
I actually have several fake paintings in my house and a few fake statues around my island. Maybe I'll replace them once I've donated the real ones, or not. They can be fun.
You can sell it, a lot of people still buy fake statues! I’ve bought a couple of fakes and decorate parts of my island with it! Personally I don’t care if it’s a fake I think statues are too much fun to decorate with!
I have 8 spots in front of my museum where I want to display any fake statue I can get my hands on. Fake paintings get trashed unless they're cool or pretty.