:'( what to do?!


Nov 10, 2014
New Leaf Token
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Tasty Cake
Pear (Fruit)
Okay, I've bn playing since release of acnl and now I hardly play on it. What should I do?

A, sell it
C, wait until my hunger for acnl grows back
N, give it to my brother
L, treasure it
ac, wait for the next ac

♥ alesha

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Now post
C wait until hunger grows back...which it will
C! I fell out of love with ACNL for a while, but one day I suddenly got back into it and now I've been playing it forever! Sometimes resetting helps people rekindle their love if that's something you'd be interested in. But it's better to have it and not want it, then to sell it or give it away and then when your love for ACNL comes back you'll be sad that you did!
C! I fell out of love with ACNL for a while, but one day I suddenly got back into it and now I've been playing it forever! Sometimes resetting helps people rekindle their love if that's something you'd be interested in. But it's better to have it and not want it, then to sell it or give it away and then when your love for ACNL comes back you'll be sad that you did!

5-8 more c votes and I will, thnx for the advice.

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C wait until hunger grows back...which it will

I might... 5-8more votes

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Personally, I'd give it to a younger sibling.

9 more of that vote
I wouldnt give it away or sell unles syou had an extra copy, You will probably find a use for it someway. Keep it xD
Id wait until the hunger of wanting to play the game returns so that when you want to play it again you dont regret selling it
C. Save it... you can always restart your town fresh and do something completely different with your town :)
Noooooo! Whatever you do, don't sell it, you'll only regret it later on D: I'd wait it out until you get the crave again, or give it to a sibling(but they might end up resetting).
This happens to me. Usually the hunger comes back and I get into it like if I were barely starting the game.
Option C. Everyone gets tired of games eventually, maybe you just need a break from it. If you do give it to your sibling they might start talking about it making you want to play it again.
Definitely C. Everytime I've ever sold a game/console I've always ended up regretting it at some point
C is what I always do. I just have some periods of time that I don't play at all and some periods that I'm totally addicted again.
You can always wait until you want to play again. I'd know, as I didn't touch my own game since first of January and only now thought about playing a bit again.