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What to do?


i love my zebras
Nov 23, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Festive Bell
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Holiday Candy Cane 2019
Purple Bat Potion
Purple Violet
Purple Candy
Green Candy
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Pear (Fruit)
When I was picking my dream villager I wanted Shari and I still want her but my bf doesn't like her and I ask my bf to choose a uchi for me but he dint care and well now he call my town ugly because of Shari I only choose her because from my favorite lets player chuggaaconroy and also because she seem very odd I like odd ones (well some of them not all)
So guys should I keep Shari or change to another uchi?
your boyf shouldn't have to validate your feelings imo!! if you like shari then you should keep on liking her! :~)
Don't let your boyfriend tell you what villagers to like c: If you like Shari then that's fine! I like her too!
But I like to make my bf happy even thought I made his town full of cats (he missing 2 but I gave him all the one he wanted)
But yeah I should decided my own animals besides I show him option first and he told me he dint know so I choose for myself
If he has his own town then he especially should not tell you who to get (; Get villagers that make YOU happy! :D
Yeah your right thank you now I feel better :) and whatever he say about Shari I won't care I like Shari because she so odd but cute at the same time for me I like her
He shouldn't dictate what you can and can't do. Ignore him and keep Shari since you like her (It think she's gorgeous and one of my favourites of the uchis). Just do what makes you happy! :D

I think I've watched a few of chuggaaconroy's acnl videos. Is he the one that's got Pietro? That clown sheep is cute! :D
Yeah thanks to him I love Shari and pietro I love him before chuggaaconroy knew who was pietro and made me even love pietro even more <3 I have Shari and pietro because of chuggaaconroy and because they both so cute for me I love all my villagers especial savannah because I love zebras and chuggaaconroy croque I love him because it's means and make him angry that I always laugh
Seems like you already solved your problem, and I am in total agreement with you :)
I mean some people just hate ALL monkeys just because they aren't popular, but honestly I would let Nana into my town if I saw her in campsite and had room. I would've let Champ in as well if he was in New Leaf. Your BF is giving you trouble. Just ignore it XD

I mean my most unpopular villagers are Jacques and Blanche and I like them more than all of my villagers except my 3 normals (Maple, Molly, and Flurry).
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Yes, Pietro's just adorable! :D All the sheep are so cute, and it's great to see other people liking the same villagers as you do.

Haha! I'm so glad you like all your villagers. :D Keep them forever and never let them leave. Haha.

Croque looks pretty awesome too! He's a bit like Ken with the fighting/international theme.
Never, ever let other people dictate what you should and shouldn't do with YOUR things. I'm not sure how old you guys are, you seem young, there are plenty of people out there to date who aren't immature enough to mock the way you like things.
If you like something then that's all it matters, sure other people can bring in their point of views and stuff but in the end it's what you think and makes you happpyy.
it's your town, not his. why should you listen to him and end up being unhappy of your choice later on?
Your boyfriend is rude. You like who you like and there's nothing wrong with it. I like some "ugly" villagers myself, like Tabby and Boone. It would be so boring if we all only wanted the cute villagers.