What’s a cool globe


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
serious question xD why is this item called a cool globe?
Well, they can’t call it a globe because there is already an item called the globe. They just threw an adjective in front of this one.
My thinking is that maybe it's supposed to look like one of those globe bars...but they don't want to call it that, because it would imply alcohol. But...then again, it doesn't actually open up...and they also have the ice bar from the winter set. So...I really don't know. Lol.
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To quote from Wikipedia:

" Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet is a public art project dedicated to increasing awareness of global warming."

If it was actually related to this, though...wouldn't they have made it look like the globes that are connected to that project? Honestly, it's kind of a shame that they didn't. It would have been nice to have 3 or 4 different looking art globes like you see with that art project. They would have been cool to put outside the museum, or in a town square...
I was confused when i saw the tweet announcment for this one as i thought we already had this design but apparentnly we dont? i mean, it is a cool globe so i am not complaining XD
I ordered it the other day and it's cooler than the globe, so there you go 😂
Since I apparently need to write something in order to post a fun meme I made, I took the chance to add the sunglasses someone mentioned:

cover1 - copia.jpg

I'm unable to find the exact moment when the globe and the cooler globe began their battle of radness but I noticed that fellow kid New Leaf also featured these two radical items trying to one-up themselves. However, thanks to one wiki, one website and google translate, I can see that the nerd globe and chad globe have different names that don't always evoke a sense of superiority between both!

The internal name seems to be "Globe" vs "Antique Globe", which is fitting. The original language does indeed faces the "Globe" vs "Cool Globe" (kakkoii globe), Germany seems to be "Globe" vs "Globe (cool)" where I personally find the use of parenthesis to be savage, spanish translation is boring and just goes "Globo terráqueo" vs "Globo terrestre"- both things being synonyms for Arceus' sake, italians prefer to use "swivel" referencing how the Cool Globe does indeed rotate while poor Globe can just change its color, the dutch language also uses another term, "old-fashioned", similar to the internal name and russian, chinese and korean follow the japanese/english and make one be the cooler globe.

However! The poor not-cool Globe has a trump card we may have overlooked. This guy can change colors, and this bad boy here:


Is, on the english translation, named "cool". So, it's cool, Globe Cool. So we may be facing an interesting thing here, with both Cool Globe and Globe Cool being two totally cool globes hanging out.

In conclusion, I guess at some point, the developers decided that "Antique" was not enough to divide both globes so they made one be the cooler Globe BUT New Horizons gave the Globe a chance to fight and now is also a globe cooler:

cover1 - copia - copia.jpg

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I remember it being in NL and I'm pretty sure it had a name like antique globe. Or maybe it didn't and I just know it's a vintage globe and just associate it as such.

But it's very cool.
Since I apparently need to write something in order to post a fun meme I made, I took the chance to add the sunglasses someone mentioned:

View attachment 369569

I'm unable to find the exact moment when the globe and the cooler globe began their battle of radness but I noticed that fellow kid New Leaf also featured these two radical items trying to one-up themselves. However, thanks to one wiki, one website and google translate, I can see that the nerd globe and chad globe have different names that don't always evoke a sense of superiority between both!

The internal name seems to be "Globe" vs "Antique Globe", which is fitting. The original language does indeed faces the "Globe" vs "Cool Globe" (kakkoii globe), Germany seems to be "Globe" vs "Globe (cool)" where I personally find the use of parenthesis to be savage, spanish translation is boring and just goes "Globo terráqueo" vs "Globo terrestre"- both things being synonyms for Arceus' sake, italians prefer to use "swivel" referencing how the Cool Globe does indeed rotate while poor Globe can just change its color, the dutch language also uses another term, "old-fashioned", similar to the internal name and russian, chinese and korean follow the japanese/english and make one be the cooler globe.

However! The poor not-cool Globe has a trump card we may have overlooked. This guy can change colors, and this bad boy here:


Is, on the english translation, named "cool". So, it's cool, Globe Cool. So we may be facing an interesting thing here, with both Cool Globe and Globe Cool being two totally cool globes hanging out.

In conclusion, I guess at some point, the developers decided that "Antique" was not enough to divide both globes so they made one be the cooler Globe BUT New Horizons gave the Globe a chance to fight and now is also a globe cooler:

View attachment 369571

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
this is art