What's bothering you?

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It was snowing like all throughout november and now that christmas is coming it's completely sunny.
My Kidney stone STILL hasn't moved. I have been in SO MUCH PAIN for almost a WEEK. I have been given T3s but they make me tired, and I just want to enjoy my holidays..... I am worried that if it hasn't moved I am going to have to go for surgery or get another procedure to blast it out of my kidney (like they stick a tube up inside me and blast it out) or that wen they find the cause I am going to ave to make dietary restrictions to prevent another from happening.... My Abnormal Psych prof is absent so tis other prof took over and he is being a total ****.... I provided him with my medical note for Aegrotat Status and he is not being very supportive, and he is new, he doesn't have a PhD, so he doesn't know the ropes, and the tone of his emails have been very rude, he doesn't know what he has ben doing in this circumstance, and UGH.... he ANNOYS ME! If my regular prof was around he would know EXACTLY what to do and be in FULL support.
my friends are the worst, they aren't friends, they are nothing. I hate them so much I can't explain. Stupid social groups, they suck so much. I don't want to go back to school, I don't want to see them these holidays, not that I've seen them any other holidays, I'm always stuck here at home.
my friends are the worst, they aren't friends, they are nothing. I hate them so much I can't explain. Stupid social groups, they suck so much. I don't want to go back to school, I don't want to see them these holidays, not that I've seen them any other holidays, I'm always stuck here at home.

Internet friends are better than local friends anyway.
My Kidney stone STILL hasn't moved. I have been in SO MUCH PAIN for almost a WEEK. I have been given T3s but they make me tired, and I just want to enjoy my holidays..... I am worried that if it hasn't moved I am going to have to go for surgery or get another procedure to blast it out of my kidney (like they stick a tube up inside me and blast it out) or that wen they find the cause I am going to ave to make dietary restrictions to prevent another from happening.... My Abnormal Psych prof is absent so tis other prof took over and he is being a total ****.... I provided him with my medical note for Aegrotat Status and he is not being very supportive, and he is new, he doesn't have a PhD, so he doesn't know the ropes, and the tone of his emails have been very rude, he doesn't know what he has ben doing in this circumstance, and UGH.... he ANNOYS ME! If my regular prof was around he would know EXACTLY what to do and be in FULL support.
Damn.. dude hope it gets sorted out seems like some crapload of mess there *hugs*
ughhhh this signature that I'm making in gimp as practice looks really off and idk what to do
i might lack 1 elective credit that is preventing me from graduating an entire semester early and if that's the case, my schedule next year has to consist of 5 AP classes and I want to cry my schedule will not work any other way so I hope to god i have all the electives i need so i can just take regular english, government, and anatomy and then get out of high school in december

god if i have to live through 5 more AP classes i'm gonna have a cow
I am dying from this mother load of gifts and cards I need to make,stacked with homework..............................
I HATE when I do something, a gift, a favor, free work or cut someone a deal and they don't ever say thank you. It is the least you could say, I just wanna know i am not upsetting you or did something wrong, do you not like it? What are you trying to say!!!
I feel so bad for my dad~
We keep on finding our christmas presents around the house because he didn't hide them very well, and now my brother is whining that this is the worst christmas ever. ily logan but you're a brat sometimes.
I don't think finding my presents has been that bad, i'm getting a flatscreen tv for my bedroom and a 50 dollar eshop giftcard! <3
also, i have a nasty stomach virus where i'm throwing up any solid food i eat, but because of stupid anxiety i missed school today, so my mom is probs gonna force me to go tuesday with a stomach bug. here's to hoping i don't puke at school.
It's December and it's only like 60-70 degrees outside when it should usually be around 40 or so. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all. Also I will be stuck with my family over holiday break but it's not exactly a safe space to be in with my mental illnesses (;~;) I just want to watch snow and not have any of my family make insensitive remarks about my issues- is that too much to ask!?!?? :mad:
my macbook air died :(
im sorry macbook i never dropped you but mum did hit u against the unit... BUT IT WASN'T EVEN THAT BAD OF A HIT
why did you have to do this to me, why did u have to rainbow line ur screen
i swear all my laptops r CURSED
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