What's Bothering You?

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A bumblebee or something got in my room through the AC, I'm guessing. Top this on top of the spiders and house centipedes I get all the time and I can't WAIT to move upstairs!!
I have to do a Japanese oral presentation and I'm definitely not going to work on it until the last minute
Seriously. Whenever I feel like I want to do something, I don't end up doing it at all. I blame Youtube and my brain giving me dopamine to prevent me of doing something productive.
This stupid english class is just dsfiuhseiurgbaesjkhrbfglakjwe

I'm so glad I only have one more class after this. I hateeeeee thissssssss :mad:
Every morning at work I get a stomach ache/nausea. It’s REALLY annoying!

Also, update on my grandma: she’s feeling better! Just needs to rest for one more day. :)
I'm so tired of writing essays... I'm not even an English major (or anywhere near that) And I swear I've written... like at least eleven essays this semester and I still have more to do. I'm honestly just so burned out, I don't have any creativity left to write these stupid essays...
I'm so tired of writing essays... I'm not even an English major (or anywhere near that) And I swear I've written... like at least eleven essays this semester and I still have more to do. I'm honestly just so burned out, I don't have any creativity left to write these stupid essays...
I really hate writing essays too. Don't be jealous, but I finished up a research paper that I've been working weeks on.

I'm no guru, but maybe take a little break. Then work back on it when you feel refreshed.
I'm so tired of writing essays... I'm not even an English major (or anywhere near that) And I swear I've written... like at least eleven essays this semester and I still have more to do. I'm honestly just so burned out, I don't have any creativity left to write these stupid essays...

I hate essays too. Not that I don’t know what to write, but I have no joy doing homework that requires the computer.
I'm procrastinating this essay sooooo hard rn and I really wish I could stop but I just can't :,)
so flipping tired but still have 3 hours of work to do. Plus there's so much left to do because we're so short staffed, what a big oof .-.
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I hate my statistics class online
There’s no PowerPoint or anything.... I basically just read the textbook which I don’t mind, but I can’t find examples to solve some of the questions :(
I haven't been on this forum for a while and I hoped some more information about the new Animal Crossing would have been out. But nope.
My Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns file is gone <'3. Oh well, a good time to start fresh on it.
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