What's Bothering You?

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God, I can relate to this hard, unfortunately. Well, not the being out of the house part, but family arguing and being resentful. Especially recently, my folks used to rarely argue but now they have a big argument like once a week or once every two weeks. Hoping things start to get better on your end, at least. And if you ever need to vent, you can feel free to PM me or something, I'm all ears. :)

Mine have been arguing for so many years that my therapist likened my experience to some aspects of Stockholm syndrome. Big yikes. They also argue almost every day. . .

Thankfully I was able to wait it out in my room and I get to talk about it with my therapist soon. Thanks for the offer as well; it means a lot to me just to be "heard" in this thread at all. <3 I hope your situation improves as well.
I had a dream last night.

It was about the new Avengers movie.

Well. I was my OC, Piper. She?s more like my persona, since she is me... but, since she?s married to Bucky. And Bucky went in the snap; but came back in Endgame? and Piper was so happy. I was so happy to see him back. I remember Piper tackled Bucky into one big hug, and started fighting against past Thanos and his Chittauri army, or however you spell that word.. and... Piper had to see her nephew die. Tony. So, she?s Howard?s sister, Tony?s father?s sister. I remember watching Tony die right in front of Peter, Piper, and Pepper- (if you get the pun- the way I ordered their names, kudos to you~). Anyways, Piper got what she wanted the most back, but lost someone she never wanted to lose... The dream keeps playing through my head. It was horrible. Like- a nightmarish dream...

And it?s causing me a lot of anxiety... I wish I didn?t have to take fictional characters so seriously... but it?s what comforts me. :s​
i'm just hoping i don't work same shift as a certain someone that keeps bothering me tonight >.>
jog agency ppl basically hunting me because a certain person forgot to give me info about a thing and how to do it sigh.
I hope it’s fine that I found this typo really funny, especially because the rest of the sentence still makes as much sense with it as if it didn’t have a typo, xD lmaooo

Anyway, I hope that you get the information you need and that it all works out. :)

yeah sorry i hate typing on keyboards and this one has a real weird layout lol

thank you, i do too. although i think they ****ed bc i looked at the work practice contract and i did not find anything about reporting to job agency lol :/
I know that all this will take time just... idk how I can handle this much longer. I love you too, and thank you for your honesty.

I just need to focus on myself for a while.
12hrs until exam. Bricking it. Glad I only need 30% to pass and even though I've covered all of the content I'm just so paranoid that the questions are going to be on my weakest areas.

I think the worst part is that, once it's over, I have only 46hrs to prepare for the next one. So the crazy starts all over again.
I hate myself for being too much of a coward to do anything to change my life.
I have to write essays right now but I'm procrastinating and I'm hating myself for it at the same time.
For some reason I feel like part of my heart was just torn out... like I feel depressed but I'm not really.

Idk maybe I need to play more SM64/Odyssey
God I STILL hate it when a person I can't stand makes something I like.
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