What's happening?


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
How come there isn't as many people playing ACCF these days now? And also there isn't pass a limit of 10 people on this forums nowadays D: Is everybody getting bored? Half a year ago there was like a post every minute or so...
animalcrossing123 said:
How come there isn't as many people playing ACCF these days now? And also there isn't pass a limit of 10 people on this forums nowadays D: Is everybody getting bored? Half a year ago there was like a post every minute or so...
The forum's really active in the off topic sectons. It's just that nobody plays AC anymore.
Lol I know but I just think that it's not that active and not that fun ): But still, I play a lot and it is fun lol (doesn't make sense D:)
I still play CF but not that much. I pretty much find CF as a cheap remake of wild world but for the wii. And what does growing up have to do with Animal Crossing? I know people from AXA who are 50+ in age. But...well I hate that place ;~;
Chibi said:
I still play CF but not that much. I pretty much find CF as a cheap remake of wild world but for the wii. And what does growing up have to do with Animal Crossing? I know people from AXA who are 50+ in age. But...well I hate that place ;~;
It's fine if you're an adult because it can take off pressure. I don't really care personally it just got stale for me.
I think AC is dying because there are more games out there other than AC.

AC was great for the Gamecube but now it's getting old. Even with the DLC, AC isn't as popular as it use to be.
Same thing with Halo. Halo was a huge hit when it first came out. Then all they did was make the graphics better and didn't add much new content to the games. Halo brought regenerating shields, new weapons, explorable environment, and online FPS action. Halo 2 brought.... to ability to wield a second gun. And halo 3.... has a map maker. WOOOOT :B
Chibi said:
Same thing with Halo. Halo was a huge hit when it first came out. Then all they did was make the graphics better and didn't add much new content to the games. Halo brought regenerating shields, new weapons, explorable environment, and online FPS action. Halo 2 brought.... to ability to wield a second gun. And halo 3.... has a map maker. WOOOOT :B
Personal opinion.

Halo blows.
Everyone has the opinion. My opinion is similar. Halo 2 and 3 blows. Halo CE was legend.