Whats one of the dumbest arguments you've overheard or seen?


Not being active on here anymore.
Sep 15, 2024
Share your story about one of the dumbest arguments you've seen, can either be in real life or online. Doesn't matter if you were in the argument, or were listening in on the sidelines.
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I had a school project about making an opposing argument. Two other students would argue against you. It could be any topic.

So I gave a presentation about why society should go back to 1950 and why women shouldn't be allowed in the workforce. In front of my teacher who was a woman.

I was absolutely joking. Basically I didn't feel like public speaking that week so I was coping through humor.

My teacher got a laugh out of it. My classmates had an easy time opposing me. I got an A for the speaking part and an F for my actual ability to argue.

(how does one make a viable argument with a topic that isn't viable)? I dunno. I could be the world's greatest debator but I set up something so absurd and stupid that I backed myself into a wall there. Especially because it didn't represent my real thoughts.

So when I was actually opposed I kinda had trouble even staying in character.
“Jesus predates everything! Even the Ancient Greeks and dinosaurs.” That was actually said on live television on The View by Sherri Sheppard and you can see the look on Whoopi Goldberg’s face that she really wanted to b**** slap Sherri so badly
A woman suddenly tried to turn left with no turn signal from the right lane on a two lane street and i ended up hitting her car because I couldn’t stop in time and I couldn’t go to the left because then I’d hit the sidewalk and end up in a parking lot and damage even more cars. She then repeatedly apologizing to me saying she didn’t see me and how she had just bought her car. Well the next day when I sent in my claim to the insurance office, they said this stupid woman was blaming me and said it was my fault. Her excuse to them was she thought she was in a “turning lane” even though the road was clearly marked and divided into two. I knew it wasn’t and what she didn’t know was I had video footage of the accident on my rear view mirror’s dash camera and it even recorded the lady apologizing to me over and over again. The footage also showed how I was at a red light that just turned green while on a hill and I had barely moved from the light while the woman was two car lengths in front of me when she suddenly started to go left without any warning. Even after the insurance informed her that I had evidence that the accident wasn’t my fault, she tried to argue that it was. I think she eventually stopped once she realized if she tried to take me to court, everyone in the room would just need to see the video to see that she was at fault and that she could never win against me.
I was in the elevator of my old apartment complex and a man and a little kid walked in. The dad said pecan "peh-kahn" and the kid argued with him real quick saying it was "pee-can." They went back and forth a little bit until the dad agreed with him.
At one of my old workplaces two guys were talking and one of them had this crazy conspiracy theory going about COVID-19 that was entirely untrue, and was using it to try and justify not getting vaccinated or wearing a mask at all... let's just say I'm glad I don't work there anymore, lmao.
When I was in elementary school, I told a friend I would try to slide down this pole on the playground. However, I ended up chickening out and not doing it.

She said that “friends keep their promises” (maybe I’d promised to do it) so she kept trying to force me, standing under the pole, telling me I have a kitten who would die if I didn’t slide down to save it, etc. Recess was a nightmare. I was so terrified of heights…I just couldn’t do it. She ended up not talking to me after that.
I remember having this one dream back when I was in my sophomore year of high school where my IPC teacher ate brownies the size of her forehead, or something silly like that 😂

I remember talking about the dream in that class and one of the classmates, my school frenemy, argued that it was chicken wings instead. 😂😂😂
My best friend in grade five was obsessed with Spyro the dragon. She kept calling Spyro a she so one day I decided to be helpful and point out that Spyro was actually a boy. She got mad at me and stopped talking to me. Legit. She finished up that school year without talking to me and their family moved after that year. I wish I was making that up lol.
when i was in elementary school i got my friend obsessed with my little pony but then my parents decided i wasn't allowed to watch it anymore, so then at school she was trying to show me her mlp tattoo and I told her i couldn't play pretend mlp anymore because it was "bad" and she got mad at me and never talked to me again
One of them was a few kids in the class ahead of me were trying to say that cutting your hair made it grow back faster, stronger, and thicker. I asked how the hell that would actually work. I explained the reason it seems to be thicker is that you've cut off the bit of the strand that first grew which would naturally be thinner. The rest of the strand is thicker, so if you get rid of the bottom, it's going to seem thicker. And I also said that obviously you're hair thickness and growth depends on genetics, not a pair of scissors. None of them would believe me. Honestly don't even know what to say anymore. I tried to tell if they were joking, but they literally weren't and they're only argument was that "it just worked that way".

Another one wasn't one I was there for, but my sister. She and the other three? girls in her class were trying to make the guys in their class realise that no, you shouldn't kick out your kid if he's gay but all of them were like "but I would be so disappointed in him" and "I'd wonder where I went wrong as a father" and one particularly nice comment; "I'd send him to a muslim country and let them deal with him".

Then somehow they started onto the topic of whether they'd rather have a gay son or a promiscuous daughter (because apparently gay daughters aren't a problem, only gay sons? Idek what to get from the two completely different things). I don't know what they decided they'd rather have, but it was disgusting to hear that they were saying stuff like that. My sis and her friends were trying to say that they're two entirely different things and you can't compare them, that is, one is a lifestyle choice and the other is something they can't change.
I knew this woman who kept pronouncing Mahjong incorrectly and I kept politely trying to tell her the proper pronouncing. She kept pronouncing it as “Mah Hong” because someone told her that was the “proper” way to say it. Here’s the thing though, my family was from Taiwan, it was my grandma’s favorite game to the point she had an entire Mahjong set with chips for betting and a special table made for playing the game, and I had heard the word so much as a kid that I knew it was some game by the time I was six and I would mess around with the tiles as a small child. This woman kept trying to tell me how Mahjong was supposed to be pronounced and every time she insisted it was actually called “Mah Hong,” I would be thinking, “Seriously? You’re telling the Chinese kid who grew up hearing that word his entire life how to pronounce a word that is part of his culture? I think I would know better than anyone how it is actually pronounced, lady.” I still have no idea who would tell her that “Mah Hong” was the way it was pronounced. When I told my dad, even he was confused and asked why she was pronouncing it like a Mexican (she was white).