What's the longest you've plot reset a villager?


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2013
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I finally moved Marshal to my second town this week and have been plot resetting since Monday. I think 6 days is the longest I've plot reset, but I'm in school so I can't do it as much as I'd like. I don't remember if it was Diana or Flurry that took me that long though.
I spent over a month plot resetting Zell, haha! He didn't even end up in the spot I wanted in the end. I was just so sick of resetting, so I just picked a close-ish spot and said, "Good enough!"
I really hope Marshal sets up in a good spot soon! :blush:
3 Days I would plot reset Frita xD I would spend 4 hours eveytime I went to bed and she never even came close to the spot! xD Then finally she was 1 spot off so I took it
Probably a day at the most. I always get tired of doing after a while and end up either resigning with a semi-decent spot or get lucky and end up having a good area available that they set it down upon on after the first couple of tries. :)

I also find that saving and turning off your ds helps too if a villager keeps ending up in the same area no matter how many times you reset. I'm not exactly sure why, I think it has something to do with the rng in-game, but it helps lol.
I spent 3 days to get Stitches in the perfect spot I wanted him at. Hopefully Marshal's won't take long.
Longest spent was 2 weeks plot resetting Poppy.
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I think it was 1 week with Frita. ;A; she just refused to go into the spot I wanted her in. I had to eventually move her into a random spot since I was gonna miss my bday in game if I had kept plot resetting her. D:
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I think it was 1 week with Frita. ;A; she just refused to go into the spot I wanted her in. I had to eventually move her into a random spot since I was gonna miss my bday in game if I had kept plot resetting her. D:

Apprently Frita wants to do what she wants xD
I tried plot resetting Fauna for 30 minutes and I became beyond frustrated, so now her house is in a random spot. :p
for all these did people block with PWPs? I'm about to plot reset Lopez.... but there is a big margin for him to move into
three hours for lyman forever ago and he didn't go where I wanted him too but it was okay.

One time I was trying to plot reset for Simon and he wouldn't go in the one spot I needed him to so I had to reset my town. lol

After that, I try to be more...realistic with plot resetting. I try to work around things. Compromise. Even if it messes with my ocd.
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I did plot reseting for my camper for 2 or 3 days and then she placed her house in a good are where I wanted her, finally^^ It was frustrating because she tried to settle down in the same area with trees and bamboo over and over again.