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What's the point of Animal Crossing to you?


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Jul 29, 2013
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There are lots of thing to do in Animal Crossing - especially New Leaf - and I was wondering about what people consider to be the "point" of the game to them! For example, a large part of my AC experience is about making friends with the villagers, seeing all the weather changes and events in their own time, and playing around with my home. I'm sure other people have different reasons they play the game, such as collecting bugs/fish/etc, making a themed town, getting rich, or obtaining rare furniture items. What do you think is the most fun element of the game for you? c:
Achieving your dreamies I guess? And meeting people on here that will help you do it<3 I've met so many wonderful people, still experiencing villagers is also nice though, but getting a dreamie that's just aaah
Landscaping your town and making a town that you can be proud of, as well as designing your house and getting rare furniture is definitely my other sort of "goal"
To escape to a stress-free world and make new friends with all sorts of animals
Just a really fun way to pass the time! I like interacting with villagers, though I usually do it until I get their pics, lol. I just like seeing what new things there are to do each day. I've started to keep a checklist of tasks to finish by the end of the day so that I can make the most out of my playtime and not forget anything that will help me later.
For me, Animal Crossing has no point, and that's why I like it so much.

I like being able to open my game and not have to do anything serious or strenuous, just be able to fish or catch bugs or redecorate my house, depending on what I feel like doing that day. It's a way to relax and escape from the real world.
Getting your dreamies setting goals,helping others get villagers,Make friends with villagers, and overall fun!
For me, Animal Crossing has no point, and that's why I like it so much.

I like being able to open my game and not have to do anything serious or strenuous, just be able to fish or catch bugs or redecorate my house, depending on what I feel like doing that day. It's a way to relax and escape from the real world.

Me too! Kinda the Zen of AC... I find it meditative at times to just isolate in this tiny world - with a few special friends/visitors at times. That's enjoyable to me.
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Others have already said this, I know.
But I personally find it really relaxing as there are no set goals in the game. Like, you can pretty much do whatever you want or nothing at all and it won't really matter. It's a nice change from real life. Plus the animals are so gosh darn adorable. I've found the community is also comprised of genuinely nice and helpful people. It's great.
Well, I just like having my own little world that I can play around in... And I also really like the socialization aspect, playing with my villagers and multiplayer... I don't get a lot of socialization in real life, so this is a big plus for me. ^^;;;
I like chatting to my villagers and doing the jobs they ask me to do. I like using it as a way to relax, and make my town and house look nice :) I also like fishing and bug catching, as it's things I probably wouldn't do in real life, so it's fun to do on a game. I just love everything about Animal Crossing - it's peaceful, whereas real life is stressful.
I like making my town a lot neater than my IRL house :)
I like redecorating my house, and saying hi to my favourite villagers every day. I like building new Town Projects. I love seeing the seasons change and collecting all the seasonal items, furniture, bugs, fish.
I adore being able to see other peoples towns through the Dream Suite, definitely the best addition to the game :D
Being housebound, Animal crossing is stress free and yes it helped me lower my blood pressure to a safe level. I can play anytime and interact with the villiagers without them being mean. I can decorate my home, my garden any way I like as often as I want. Animal crossings is a wonderful game for all ages.
I'd have to say, there was a really interesting reason as to why I decided to start playing Animal Crossing. Last semester I took an Architecture course on city-planning, more specifically a lecture discussing what made a town/city 'utopian', or 'dystopian'- we discussed real efforts of living perfection, and fiction depicting utopian/dystopian societies.

I really fell deep into the course, and where I live, we are definitely much closer to 'dystopian'. There was something interesting about a perfect town/city, and what that meant to each person. Of course, I often reflected upon perfection in society being impossible, even in micro environments such as towns, because perfection is very much subjective, and a severe micromanagement is not only unhealthy, but may breach on human rights.

A bit before AN:NL came out, my girlfriend had preordered the XL bundle, and was super excited about it. Having never played Animal Crossing before, I asked her what it was about, and as she described it, I felt myself referring back to the course I had taken. Mind, I love calm, cute things as well, so the collection of a life-simulation game in which deals with the management of city-planning and improvement, along with the placid, cute environment with animals (which eases the 'breach on human rights' problem), is a very fun, safe way to try out city-planning ideas.

TL;DR: It's like Sim City, but super cute and personal and soothing. u v u
I guess having a "perfect" life where seriously you can get away from daily stress and all ~
New Leaf is my first AC game. The villagers are so adorable, they make me smile when I'm having a bad day, sending encouraging/random letters with present makes my day reading them.
It's a relaxing game. A game where you can do whatever you please at your own pace and achieving your own goals. I do a little bit of everything, I enjoy collecting pictures from villagers I have/had. Getting the opportunities to obtain my favorite villagers. Creating a town that I'm satisfied with.