Bounty Hunter
I know she's adorable, but do you get anything from giving stuff to her? There HAS to be some kind of secret I don't know about... >w<
I think its purpose is to clear out the rest of your catches that you can't take home due to lack of space in the basket. Probably so you can get something instead of nothing for something you may release.Not too sure if my assumption is correct, though.
from what I've gathered, its for when you go diving.
Since you can't release sea creatures you catch when diving - unless you catch another one when your inventory is full, and switch it out - Leila allows you to sell sea creatures which you wouldn't normally be able to get rid of.
Well that's what I use her for.
I use her to sell Hermit Crabs, Tiger Beetles, Emperor Butterflies, etc. whatever isn't 6k+