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what's the stupidest thing you've done while overtired?

I procrastinated on my work for the finals, then I stayed up at night to work on them. x_x Thankfully, today's my last day of school and I managed to get the work finished and over with! Also, I'm pretty sure I got decent grades out of those. But still...
I would fall asleep all the time in class.

One time I dreamed about Pokemon and woke up to find out I scribbled the word 'kadabra' on my notebook. whoops ,-, nobody else noticed though so it was okay.

I probably would have gotten teased a little.
I accidentally deleted my entire iCloud autofill password log due to not carefully reading dialogue box warnings. This happened just over a week ago. Apparently, the way Apple worded the warnings when attempting to reset a single password on my (old) MacBook Pro made me think that only the MacBook would have any locally stored passwords get deleted. After realizing my mistake, I check the saved passwords list on my iPhone, and sure enough, they were all gone. Oops.
Fall asleep in class. Nobody bothered to wake me up, either. I think I missed 3 periods worth of classes that day. In my defense, I was on new meds that made me super tired.
another stupid thing I did was eat the *WRAPPER* of my taco bell burrito, along with part of the burrito! 💀
at my old gamestop job, on black friday, i forgot to close the safe. it looked closed, but it wasnt latched. easily could have lost my job because of it but my boss was, surprisingly, way more understanding and kind about it than he should have been. maybe it was because i worked 11 hours that day, and 9 the day before. idk. never been more tired than working that hellish job.
A few years ago in winter I got woken up by a really loud and shrill noise. It was still dark outside and I felt disoriented, I had been ripped out of a dream and for a moment didn’t even know where I was. For quite a bit and couldn’t comprehend what made that sound and just sat there confused.

I then discovered the sound came from my phone and looked at the screen - my alarm was ringing and apparently it was time to get up. I just started at the screen and couldn’t figure out what to do, all I knew was the noise was so loud and jarring and I got more confused with every second. I ended up stuffing my phone under the covers and sat down on it to muffle the sound, so I could think in peace about how to get rid of this noise 😂😭

I think this whole thing took several minutes until my brain fog lifted and I finally remembered how to disable my phone alarm and I was able to function again.

Never glitched that badly before lmao.
I mentioned this in another thread in the past, but putting a used napkin in the fridge. Like bruh, why does it need to be cold. What?!? :LOL:
When that chilled napkin just hits right.

-Sleepy confused times-
Haha makes me think of the time my alarm went off and I was having so much difficulty getting out of bed. My covers kept getting tangled on my feet/legs and I tripped and bumped my head on my dresser haha!
I've done a lot of stupid things while tired, which is why I like to stay in my room for a few minutes after I wake up. A few months ago, I took a nap after school and woke up around 7:55. My alarm clock doesn't use military time so I thought it was morning and that I was gonna be late for my bus. My family was really confused about why I was rushing to get my things, and my brother had to chase me down the sidewalk to tell me it was the evening... I felt pretty embarrassed about it at the time, but it's whatever now.

As for less serious (and mortifying) cases, I've opened the wrong cupboard when looking for something (like the pantry when looking for milk) or putting water in my cereal. I don't know... XD
I remember when I was over tired I was getting off work, then instead of tossing my drink in the trash can I tossed my name tag out instead ^^;

My co-worker saw and asked if I got fired, and I was worried until I realized I didn't have my name tag, and she told me it was in the trash can. I didn't remember foing that, but we dug it out. Now I can laugh about it, but I was so annoyed at myself when that first happened.
I have mixed flavoured milk powder with water instead of milk. multiple times.

I remember one time i was too tired to care, so i drunk a glass of strawberry water without a second thought.
I do stupid things all the time, like washing my hair with body soap instead of shampoo, putting orange juice in my coffee instead of milk but I think the worst was when I brushed my teeth with cream for eczema, yuk.
I also always get confused with the tablet and computer trying to write on the tablet using the keyboard.