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What's your favorite memory of playing with a friend?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Tulip
Red Pansy
Tasty Cake
Be it in real life or online, which one was your favorite?

As for me, I have a friend that comes by my town every once in a while. One day, we were over at his town and he caught a salmon for the very first time. He referred to it as "salmon friend" and we both clung to it. He now keeps that same salmon in a tank in his house, with a sign that reads "Salmon Friend" over it. He even created a shrine for it. He prays to his salmon friend every day.

So? What about you?
Well, irl me and my friend would always go to her house and play. Its not really got a story of one specific time, I just remember we would always have a competition to see whos town was better or who could get a dreamie first. ;)
my friend from Japan joined me in the bug-off one time, we were both running around kind of crazy, that was a lot of fun!
None of my irl friends really played the game till recently, and only one of them picked it up for then like 3 times. I had a lot of fun playing with my mom and bro in the past though. I used to have the Lenny face on my original mayor, and it creeped out my family, so whenever we connected in somebodies town they'd run from me and freak out when I got near them xD
I remember in the summertime because of the game being really popular because it was released recently and such, I wifi'd with a couple of people who I had on my friend list. We had a full group, and we all headed to the island and did the hammer tour as well as many other tours. We played for quite a while and there was never a boring moment tbh, it was really funny and I enjoyed playing the tours with them. They were awesome to hang out with, and whenever we wifi'd I always had a good time. We did this for a couple of weeks over summer, always wifing eachother and playing games or hanging out in eachother's towns. they always used to trap me in their towns when i wanted to leave It was honestly one of the best summers, and I had fun. Needless to say, my summer wasn't boring and ACNL kept me busy.
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I have a couple. One was when my sis visited me and we went to the island. It was a really cold day and pouring of rain outside. My sis and I were on this tropical island, diving, fishing and enjoying the sun. It was just kind of surreal. Another one was when I visited my mate's town and we were playing mahjong and then we squeezed on this Cupid bench and it looked really funny!
A lot of my friends were online, that I met at Club Tortimer, but many of them don't get online anymore.
When I was 11 I played ACWW with a classmate in class while the rest was watching Jurassic Park. None of my friends owned it so it was pretty cool to let him visit my town and unlock the biggest store.
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Mostly just goofing around, trying to sneak messages onto each others bulletin board that would get a giggle out of either of us. XD

The best however was trolling my friend with an impromptu hide and seek game. We were on the phone chatting while she was visiting my town. I scurried off and she wondered where I had gotten off to and decided to look for me. I decided to be mildly evil and zipped up to my shopping district and headed over to the bench on the far edge overlooking the sea.
I then led her on for over 20 minutes, informing her that yes I was outside, no I hadn't seen her at all. Then I started giving her "hints", saying I could see the ocean, some pine trees and bushes, that I was sitting down and hadn't moved the whole time. XD
It was glorious. And no, she wasn't mad even though she had ended up combing through my entire village 4-5 times and wondering if she was blind or really bad at hide and seek. Turns out, I was just really good at it. ;) (Hey, I technically didn't lie with my hints. :p )
One time I visited the Island, and I decided with my friend, that the tree on the left upon exiting the hub-thing, we called it 'Tree-san'. We protected it from harm, which was cutting it down. It was hilarious.
going to the island with a friend (we went to his island). he had it optimized for farming bugs. The problem is that he runs a lot, and on this day he was falling a lot. made for some funny moments (face planting into the water's edge was the best :)
I don't really have a favorite memory because I kinda didn't retain any of them. I just vaguely remember I used to spend hours playing the game with my friend. I think we played hide n' seek, looked at each other's houses, and roleplayed? I barely remember.
I didn't have any irl friends to play New Leaf, however, I did have fun interactions with some players on Tortimer Island. I used to go late in the night on Tortimer Island to get palm beetles and big fish. Most were nice, however, some I remember being quite awful. Most were nice though and understood that I went for bugs, fish, and Kappn's Gram's souvenirs.
For me I'd probably say the many times I used to play acnl with my siblings and we'd all go to tortimer island and play minigames and fight over the best chair😂
Years ago, my best friend and I used to play New Leaf together. For her birthday one year I set up orders here on the forums to get a bunch of items, as well as the different balloon variants in her favorite color, and also set up a villager adoption from one of the shops in the Villager Trading Plaza so that she could have her favorite villager, Sprinkle, as a resident of her town.
When I was a teenager at my first job I met a girl who also loved animal crossing and we would play together late at night. She was really into collecting the tickets for the prizes on the island. I would love to show her all the amazing fish you could get while fishing at night.

We spent many late nights on Skype singing along on the boat ride over to the island, laughing at each other while we played the mini games and competed to fish the biggest shark.
Well, just a little more nostalgia here, but my favorite, memory (or memories) of playing with friends was because of this site! That would be me, and my two besties working together to create a scene for whatever event was going on whether it be the fair for Christmas.
Me and my friend use to play online together. Neither of us had phones, so we'd purely message through the crappy ac keyboard. I have lots of fond memories running around together, wearing leaf masks and holding axes, just messing around and chatting for hours 💚

Any time I was able to play with someone and do tours on the island was also a lot of fun ☺️

For me I'd probably say the many times I used to play acnl with my siblings and we'd all go to tortimer island and play minigames and fight over the best chair😂
oh gosh- I totally forgot about all the times I raced to sit on my favourite chair first 😭😂 thank you for brining that memory back
Hanging out with Peisinoe in her Harry Potter themed town. You got a wand based on which house you were sorted into. Sansa’s town of roses was also amazing to wander around.