What's your favorite Sailor Moon character?


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2024
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Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn... From the Sailor Senshi to the most unknown characters or villains, the Sailor Moon series really has an amazing and huge cast of loveable and lively characters! But the question is....
What is YOUR favorite Sailor Moon character?!

Personaly Sailor Neptune is my favorite Sailor as well as my favorite Sailor Moon character overall...
Her beautiful and stunning designs always spoke to me so well, and her mysterious and powerful personality is something out of this world. Her attacks are also so pretty and her transformation... Impecable!
I would even cosplay as her if I could tbh. But I sure wanna know everyone's favorites!
It is really hard for me to pick a favorite Sailor Moon character as I have loved that show since I was a kid back in the 90s. When I first started watching the show I loved Sailor Moon/Usagi/Serena (the DiC dubbed version was the one I watched when it first aired) and Luna. I still really love Usagi and Luna, but I do have a love for other characters as well. I would say she's still my favorite inner senshi character.

My favorite Outer Senshi character would have to be Saturn/Hotaru. I really enjoyed her story arch and thought that her character was really interesting.
As a kid it was Chibi Moon because my cousin called dibs on Sailor Moon. Now it's Ami/Sailor Mercury because she's smart with a gentle type of kindness.
Back in the day when I first watched it was Sailor Mercury.

Today though it’s 100% Sailor Saturn. I’ve even cosplayed as her it was a ton of fun!

Here’s a picture:
I’m really late to the series and never watched it until last year, but I think it’s Sailor Mercury. She was always really gentle and pleasant throughout the series and I enjoyed the energy she gave off. I always enjoyed episodes more when she was in them.
Power wise I'd say Sailor Uranus but I really dislike how mean she can be to Usagi.
Aesthetically wise Sailor Pluto. Even her attack Dead Scream screams mysterious. 🥰
Personality wise I can't decide between Mako and Minako.
sailor mercury! i read the manga and always got excited when they gave her some attention. chibiusa was also always funny when she showed up
Sailor Mars

I always thought she was the prettiest one with the nicest variant of the sailor uniform costume. I also like her more fierce personalities and her connection to Shinto.