What's your main goal in life?


ice cream enthusiast
Feb 1, 2019
What are you moving towards? What are your career goals, family goals, relationship goals, etc.

The thing I'm working for is probably marriage and some type of career in psychology. I've got a lot of short-term goals that could be fulfilled in a year or two, but those are my two main long-term ones.
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My main goals in life are to be able to run our family business sucessfully on the side in the future and also to fulfill my dream of becoming a sports broadcaster or sports journalist. I also want to finish my book series and get it published at some point, and also get manga and anime adaptations produced for it. I don’t have much time to work on writing and editing it right now though as I’m busy with university. I suppose I have various short-term goals as well, but those three are the main ones. :)
My goal is to live my life and just make the best of what I've been given. I don't want to live like my parents, working a job that I hate. I want to be satisfied with where I am and how far I've come.

I also don't want to be lonely. I would much rather have nothing and still have close friends, than to have everything and no one to share it with.
I really just want to make the most of my life, I guess. I don't want to live my life hating it and hating myself and overall being a bitter and cynical person until the day I die. I'd like to one day move elsewhere and become a teacher. Granted, I wouldn't teach really super young kids, but I'd probably be willing to teach at a high school/college. I would also love to be a writer and get a book or two published. A smaller goal I have is that I'd also love to do Youtube videos as like a side hobby or something eventually. I don't really have a whole lot of time to do those last two things right now, though, due to Uni. Finally, the last big life goal I have is that I'd want to eventually get in a relationship, get married and maybe have at least one kid. Anyway, those are probably some of my most notable life goals.
I want to have a successful career as an attorney, get married, have kids, and maybe even get involved in politics, but I honestly have a strong desire to travel the world that kinda takes presage over all of that. Maybe my priorities just aren't straight, I don't know...
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Have a nice place, job, and money for my hobbies and interests.
Nothing too in particular within those lines.
This is going to sound cheesy, but my goal is to simply be happy. I want to be able to say at the end of every day I am alive that it was a great day.
To get a nice and house and move in with my girlfriend and all of my stuff that is currently in storage. Hopefully get a good enough paying job to where she won't have to work (even though that's a bit unrealistic for me living in the US) otherwise we both get jobs that won't run us into the ground and where we can't spend enough time together and where we have enough money left over every month. We both also want five dogs.
I have a few main goals, I think. Ideally, within the next 5 years, I’d like to be out of school, the majority of my loans paid off, and either engaged or married. I don’t have any career plans & I think that’s okay...my boyfriend doesn’t either, but I’m sure everything will work out in the end.
I just wanna be happy more often than I'm afraid or sad, and try to make friends, and keep finding ways to have a creative outlet. I don't really see myself as having some kind of important career, and I don't think I want to have kids either, both of those sound very emotionally taxing in a way I'm not able to handle. Getting married one day might be nice, it's sometimes hard to imagine though as I'm extremely slow to trust people.
I want to work in a museum, hopefully as a curator someday. I'll be just as happy with a technician position, though. I am majoring in American History and plan to go to graduate school for a master's in Museum Studies. I just love research and I want to help set up exhibits and educate people on American History.

Also, I want to foster a lot of children. I was in foster care and lack a mother figure in my life and I'd love to be that for some older kids/teens, who are less likely to be adopted.
i used to have really big dreams and goals but as i've got older.. just to be content rly.. to have someone who unconditionally loves and accepts me, a cute little flat, an ok income, i just want to feel safe and happy, nothing grand or elaborate honestly
I want to find a man who's loving, supportive, kind, and would never cheat. Then we can live together in an average house with our one or two children and be happy. After I get my college degree, of course.
Don’t end up homeless again, pursue my dreams endlessly, be at peace in some sense.