Whats your opinion on grass wear in AC CF?


Bird is the word!
Retired Staff
Apr 1, 2007
Silver Mailbox
By grass wear I'm talking about how those dirt patches appear and the grass fades away wear you run alot.

Last week's poll results:

What is your preferred way of making money?

Fruit: 13 (17.1%)
Turnips: 20 (26.3%)
Fossils: 2 (2.6%)
Fishing: 16 (21.1%)
Catching bugs: 2 (2.6%)
Selling anything you find to Nook: 12 (15.8%)
Something else: 11 (14.5%)
I'm really none of those options :p I don't like it, it hasn't made me quit, I still like the game the same, and I don't really ignore it. None the less, I picked option 3
#1. The only thing that kept me playing AC was the beauty and peace of the land in your town. Towns now become hideous, and I don't enjoy playing at all.
well, i like it cause i actually make paths so i still have like 80-90% of my grass left so hahhah i am lucky!
reedstr16 said:
well, i like it cause i actually make paths so i still have like 80-90% of my grass left so hahhah i am lucky!
Mines startin' to grow back... kinda
for me, i am between option 3 and 4. I don't like and ignore it, but I do think it could work out if they put more effort into creating this feature
I had to pick option 3 because they didnt have a "i'm fine with the feature, it's doesnt bother me"
i dont like it, but i ignore it...i use patterns to make out the most used routes i take so there isnt that much damage thats done...
It's extremely annoying but i'm not going to quit playing the game because of that, it will take something else ,unknown yet,.
I actually restarted partially because of it. I wanted a better layout and more grass.
I like it. but I don't like it. I DO think that it makes the game more realistic, but if you play enough all of it starts to disappear, and that just makes your town a whole lot less attractive.