• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Whats your story?


Dec 21, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Hi everyone, my name is Matt...
And I'm a ac addict...

My brother had some extra money at the time and decided to buy a GameCube and a few games.
I had never herd of this game but I was told to just try it.
I started it up and was working for nook. I put it down before I had finished my work though.
I put it down.
A few weeks later I was board and just thought of trying it again. I finished my work for nook, went fishing, fought some bugs... I was hooked. I played every day constantly.
My bro had all most maxed the fish, so I worked on bugs...
His town wasn't enough though... I had to have my own... 2 of my own...
I ran around in 3 towns...
I started working at toys r us in 2002, where i would talk people out of the ps2 and Xbox for a GameCube with ac.
I sold so many!
Where ever ac went I went. Ds totally ac it up! Wii ac!
I'm looking forward to the 3ds. It's the only reason I have a 3ds. I opened it. Made a mini set it up and it's now back in the box.
With the wii I played between 5 and 6 am every day and later in the day to sale my catches and hit the shops. I couldn't allways get back before they closed though.
I have played this game sence the game cube and I am a ac addict.
When my family first got a game cube 5/6 years ago, my grandparents suggested Animal Crossing to my sister. She bought it and played it once. I got so angry watching her struggle to type in her name and information. She was just so bad (if you can be "bad" at animal crossing) so I started playing. She completely gave it to me shortly after and I played it basically every day for years as a girl character named Kiley. But being a girl didn't ruin the fun of the game. So many memories...
About 7 years ago when I was 5 years old, my mom got the original Animal Crossing for Gamecube. When I turned 6, I started playing the game, I was 6 at the time, so I didn't really know what I was doing. As I was getting better at the game, I got a DS, and I also heard that Animal Crossing for the DS was coming out, so I got that. I was beginning to understand the game more and more, and played up until I couldn't put anymore money in the bank, or my pockets, so I would leave them in front of my house (no one ever WiFied with me). A year later, I got a Wii. Didn't really play with it. The next year (when I was 8) Animal Crossing: City Folk came out. I played it like there was no tomorrow. I played it until 2011, when my little brother made a permanent scratch in the disc, it wouldn't work anymore. Months later in December, I got a new disc, played with it and then got bored with it. I heard that Animal Crossing for the 3DS was coming out, so I got a 3DS. And I'm still waiting for Animal Crossing for the 3DS. :) And that's my story.
I was a Harvest Moon junkie, and had played those games since they came out, so when Animal Crossing was released I had gone to Toys R Us and saw it. The cover stuck out to me, I checked out the back of the box and instantly got it. Continued playing the same town up until Wild World was released. Then when City Folk came out I pre-ordered it and it got here on Christmas.

Though I do hate to say it, but I pretty much bought my 3DS just for OoT and Animal Crossing.
as a kid I lived in a country where animal crossing was pretty much non-existent, so I never had the chance to play either the gamecube version or WW. When I moved to the US in 2008, my first console here was the wii and a few months after getting it i picked up City Folk, because my best friend begged me to get it so I could play online together with her, since she had no other friends to play with. I think I was about 12 at the time. I have been hooked ever since. I really like games where you just have the freedom to do whatever you want. The creativity in the game and the many ways that I could interact with the villagers was fascinating. It is definitely my favorite video game and the one that made the most impact and memories. Even after 3 1/2 years I still play this game. Right now I'm eagerly waiting for the 3DS game. I still don't have the 3DS because I never felt the need to get one since I don't really play video games anymore because I choose to use my time to focus on other things. Animal Crossing, however, is an exception. I'll be getting the 3DS solely for animal crossing!
O animal crossing, you have changed our lives ^_^
I love all your posts my friends ^_^
Keep the. Coming everyone, this is not just a game, it's a way of life and you are all my animal crossing family! We unite and make the world a better place!
Make the world a better place? Feels kind of like "Death Note" right now ;)
In Spring 2006 Wild World was released in Europe and I wasn't really interested in this game... it looked really "girly-like" and ... you know, but a friend of mine saw the tv commercial and said that it looks really chilling and that he would buy it if he would have had a DS. So months later, in August 2006, I decided to buy it and I was just in love! I told him that this game is great and convinced him to buy a ds with AC and then we played together xD I was 13 when I got this game... I can't believe how fast the time flies :(
Btw, here's the commercial I was talking about, it's German but I know this exists in many languages.

And now we are all waiting for Animal Crossing 3DS which seems to elevate the experience to an even higher level than before! So excited!! :)
I've only heard of Animal Crossing through gaming magazines, but it was expensive at the time, so I waited until the price dropped. Once I got the game, I was hooked. It was fun setting up your house, befriending the neighbors and catching bugs and fish.

When Wild World came out in 2006, I was awestruck by the new features such as crossbreeding flowers and getting pictures from animals once you befriended them. It wouldn't be until 2009 before I started WiFiing with other people. We would often discuss hybreeding and about the town.

I got City Folk in December 2009, but I didn't start playing until January 1st 2010, since I wanted to start playing in the new year. Once I completed all of Nook's chores, I began setting up flower plots for hybrids. When I began WiFiing in CF, I used Wii Speak often, because that was a real neat feature and it was easier to communicate with. Every WiFi session was bundles of fun. There would be lots of bug catching, fishing, chatting and of course maintaining the hybrids. Sadly, My town was destroyed 4 months later, but my friends helped me rebuild a new one. Since then, I've been crossbreeding hybrids and helping others to do so, as well as fishing, catching bugs, chatting and hosting net wars.
I love y'all stories!

When i was younger my parents didn't really want me playing video games, later my oldest bro was aloud to get an xbox and we started getting into gaming more. About a year later my 2nd oldest bro was aloud to get a DS then he got one with Super Mario 64 DS, he also got free 3 issues of Nintendo Power and that was around early 2005 i think. I think he saw Animal Crossing: Wild World in one and he decided that he wanted it. My brother told me about the game and i was kinda exited!. I pestered him to get it before Metroid Prime Hunters, and i finally had my way XD. Then once he came home with it he played it and i was hooked, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it! that game was one of my most favorite memories as a kid!. Once i finally got my hands on it i played for hours a day!. I think i was 8 that time. In 2007 my town constantly got hacked/seeded and eventually broke my game card. I felt hopeless LOL.

Then around September 2008 i was seaching through youtube and found out there was going to be one on the new (now old) Wii (which i didn't have). I asked my parents for the game and they said "no i don't need to have it" and a few months later my parents called me and my older and younger bro up to their room and gave us a box. . . . We opened it and it was a Wii XD (The rest of the family knew other than Myself, my younger sibs and my older bro. And yes i have a huge family) i was so happy i couldn't speak. It came with one remote and Wii Sports. the next day my mom ordered us Mario Kart Wii and i was exited and the day after My 3rd oldest bro said she got us Animal Crossing Wii, and my mom told him to shh cause it was a surprise XD and i almost fainted i was so happy. Later when i got the game it was very fun. I added many people but my internet messed up and somehow deleted/made it unable to play with my friends. Then i stopped playing for about a year and a half. Later i restarted my game (cause my bros said it was the only way they'd play again) so after we made the new town i played even more than when i first got the game! it was like a whole new experience!. I played for around 7 -16 hours a day (every single day for a year+) i made so many great friends and met many people. The game changed my life! i love it so much, its the best Game ever!. Then this new year my City Folk Disk just stopped working for no reason and no matter what i try it wont work.

In 2010, when i heard that there was going to be a new Animal Crossing on the 3DS i sat in my seat speechless.

I've been following 3DS news ever since. With every drop of info i find about AC3DS i go insane, I've watched the first trailer over 200 times, and stared at the pictures for hours. In 2011 i found this amazing site with all you epic people ;D

I'm sorry, I'm gong on and on and ON!! its just, Animal Crossing is my most favorite game and probably one of my most favorite things ever.
The first AC i got was during Christmas of i think it was... 2008? Late, yes i know. I was 9 then, and i loved gaming, i was a total game-girl, and a tomboy at that! Christmas of 2008 i opened the box, expecting a different game (can't recall now) but instead it was animal crossing:wild world.

My parents told me they didn't have the game i wanted, and they thought i might like this game.

That night, i opened it, excited as heck!

I never put that game down, through winter, spring, summer, and fall, for 2 1/2 years. Animal crossing is the definition of my later childhood. I was known for being a girl-gamer in my school, (still am) and it was mostly thanks to this game, that i started trying out different genre's so to speak, of gaming.
Animal crossing was the best christmas present i'd ever gotten, i didn't even know they had made a new animal crossing for wii until 2010 when i got my wii. I immediately got the game.
I was hooked again.
As my friends started to lose interest in the game, i kept getting more and more into the game. Soon, i had nearly no friends who even played the game anymore.
When the 3ds came out, i thought it was stupid, the idea of 3D gaming seemed pointless to me. That all changed when i heard that animal crossing was coming out for the 3ds in late summer of 2011. I was expecting it to come out in august that year.
I urged my mother to let my get a 3ds, of course, she caved in after about 3 days of my constant pestering.
Animal crossing 3DS is the ONLY reason i got a 3ds, and remains that way too.
I got Animal Crossing Wild World for Christmas 2006 (I was nearly 11) - been addicted ever since (I'm now 16). Got the Wii version soon after it came out and now very excited for the 3DS version :D
Back in 2003. My parents I think, let me go to Circuit City to buy something and Animal Crossing kind of attracted me. I remember we had some kind of thing TV in the car, so I got play before we got home. I seriously had no idea what this game was about. At the time I got Animal Crossing we didn't have a memory card and I hardly knew how to read. When I was younger, I guess the only reason I was playing this game at the time was because, I liked I idea of exploring these randomly generated areas. A few day later, we actually finally got a memory card... Then, I finally began to fully experience Animal Crossing.
The D.S was the gaming console of my childhood. I played all of the major games such as Mario Kart, Zelda and Pokemon but after time I began to get bored -_-. I remember one day when I was at my friends house he was playing Animal Crossing: Wild World and at the time I didn't think much of it because of its cutesy graphics and lack of action but at the time my friend loved it.

My mum took me down to the local gaming store to get the latest Metroid game but they were out of stock (never ended up getting it anyway). I searched entire store or something that i may've liked but to no such luck. My mum picked up Animal Crossing: Wild World and offered to buy it. I was reluctant since I saw it previously but I decided to give it a try.

HOLY CRAP WAS IT AWESOME! I started the game doing the usual working for Nook and other miscellaneous things but over time it grew on me o_O. It was totally unique to anything I had ever played and I spread the word with my school mates. Like me, they had the D.S and in a few short weeks they ended up buying the game and we had around 9 people playing this terrific game.

I still play Animal Crossing to this day and I will never stop, well.... Maybe when I'm twenty. Min. But I will continue to wait until the next adventure in the series Animal Crossing 3ds. :lemon:
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The D.S was the gaming console of my childhood. I played all of the major games such as Mario Kart, Zelda and Pokemon but after time I began to get bored -_-. I remember one day when I was at my friends house he was playing Animal Crossing: Wild World and at the time I didn't think much of it because of its cutesy graphics and lack of action but at the time my friend loved it.

My mum took me down to the local gaming store to get the latest Metroid game but they were out of stock (never ended up getting it anyway). I searched entire store or something that i may've liked but to no such luck. My mum picked up Animal Crossing: Wild World and offered to buy it. I was reluctant since I saw it previously but I decided to give it a try.

HOLY CRAP WAS IT AWESOME! I started the game doing the usual working for Nook and other miscellaneous things but over time it grew on me o_O. It was totally unique to anything I had ever played and I spread the word with my school mates. Like me, they had the D.S and in a few short weeks they ended up buying the game and we had around 9 people playing this terrific game.

I still play Animal Crossing to this day and I will never stop, well.... Maybe when I'm twenty. Min. But I will continue to wait until the next adventure in the series Animal Crossing 3ds. :lemon:

Oh, dear...don't ever stop enjoying this game...I'm 38 and love that this game is something I can sit down and relax to. Not only that, but it is the only way I can grow flowers without killing them :D
Oh, dear...don't ever stop enjoying this game...I'm 38 and love that this game is something I can sit down and relax to. Not only that, but it is the only way I can grow flowers without killing them :D
LOL This!

Animal Crossing is a game for everyone and all ages!

I think of it as the center of the gaming console.
This is a perfect game that i think many people would enjoy, But many judge before they play and think its too girly.