When villagers move in from the void...


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2021
I was trying to move out a villager so I could get one of my dreamies when I managed to move them out and have to spot empty i time traveled a little bit too much and the spot got taken by Merengue.When I go in to talk to her she says that se has moved all the way from some island {she said the name of the island but I don’t remember the name right now} and every time I see her walking around she has some type of clothing that I didn’t give her and that hadn’t been on my able’s. Also when she said the island name it was in blue like the island belonged to a player.

So my question is do the villagers that get voided go to someone else’s island when they have a spot open?
Yes they do.If you have an open plot and you visit someone or they visit you,one of their voided villagers can move to your island.It seems to happen more in New Horizons than it did in New Leaf.
Yes they do.If you have an open plot and you visit someone or they visit you,one of their voided villagers can move to your island.It seems to happen more in New Horizons than it did in New Leaf.
Thank you so much! I was confused on why she was walking around with stuff I didn’t give her. So this helped
This happened to me and my husband. I got rid of Charlise because I couldn't stand her and she popped up on my husband's island and he was like what the heck, how did I get Charlise? And when he talked to her, she said she moved all the way from Woxton (my island). I DIED laughing...I was like, "Not only did you get Charlise, you got MY Charlise!!" 😂😂😂 He was not amused. Well, maybe slightly but yea...it took him forever to get her to move out, because that was before I had amiibos.
This happened to me and my husband. I got rid of Charlise because I couldn't stand her and she popped up on my husband's island and he was like what the heck, how did I get Charlise? And when he talked to her, she said she moved all the way from Woxton (my island). I DIED laughing...I was like, "Not only did you get Charlise, you got MY Charlise!!" 😂😂😂 He was not amused. Well, maybe slightly but yea...it took him forever to get her to move out, because that was before I had amiibos.
Something similar happened to my husband and me as well. He had Tiffany and evicted her. Then she moved to my island and I evicted her as well, I really dislike her. I reset my game and got a new island sometime after. I thought after all this time she'd already moved to someone else's island. But guess what, my husband had an empty plot and she's moving there again!!! T.T
He'll evict her again so she'll try to move to my island again, grrr... I wonder if it's the same Tiffany de evicted or if it's just an unfortunate coincidence.
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