When will the update go live?


Apr 6, 2015
I'm curious whether or not it is already released in Japan, since I assume most stuff gets released at midnight there.

And if ploaj or another person who has access to the games data is as curious as me and finds even more files*in the game, it will make my day even better. I don't assume Nintendo would introduce more villagers in the update without announcing them.
I dont think they are adding villagers, I think the update announcement showed 'contest' type rooms with special villagers to design for but probably disappear after the contest. I can't read japanese so this was just my interpretation.

And I would assume it would be released at midnight on the 16th (japan time) so I guess we'll know soon enough.
Well, I didn't mean I assume the devs would add villagers without letting us know, but there will be more clue in the games' data, so... And it's already 4AM in Japan, I think, so I guess I'll wait until tomorrow
It's not live yet. It's 5am in the morning here, have patience. Most things update around 10am, when business starts. I'll update when I get the alert.
It's not live yet. It's 5am in the morning here, have patience. Most things update around 10am, when business starts. I'll update when I get the alert.
You are like. The only user here that posts the lowest. Yet, gets the most likes.
:/ Now I feel bad for posting as much as I do. I try to help, when I have a reasonable expectation of knowing the answer, but if it's not helpful, I'll stop.
:/ Now I feel bad for posting as much as I do. I try to help, when I have a reasonable expectation of knowing the answer, but if it's not helpful, I'll stop.

No! Please don't think that. You have some of the most helpful posts. You have most of them actually. There's nothing wrong with being excited to help people, or even just attempting to help.
:/ Now I feel bad for posting as much as I do. I try to help, when I have a reasonable expectation of knowing the answer, but if it's not helpful, I'll stop.

I don't know what this is about. But, I would urge you to not do that. Keep posting, Voluptua Sneezelips!

The update is live. You may have to scroll over to the right to find it. It didn't pop up as the first thing in the eshop when I found it.
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:/ Now I feel bad for posting as much as I do. I try to help, when I have a reasonable expectation of knowing the answer, but if it's not helpful, I'll stop.

Nothing wrong with lots of helpful posts!

The update is live. You may have to scroll over to the right to find it. It didn't pop up as the first thing in the eshop when I found it.

You beat me to it! I can't get the computer to show up in my game so I've been messing with it. Hopefully making a house will get it to show up. :/
Nothing wrong with lots of helpful posts!

You beat me to it! I can't get the computer to show up in my game so I've been messing with it. Hopefully making a house will get it to show up. :/

I had the same problem! Making a house did get it to show up.
You are like. The only user here that posts the lowest. Yet, gets the most likes.

By the way, I liked the post, I saw i was being way too impatient so I agreed with mirukushake.

It's nice that the update released, and as I expected, there are no new villagers.
The game seems to be more... open, though, now, and that's really good.