When you consider the game completed?


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2013
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Dreamy Bear Plush
Snow Angel Snowman
Dreamy Bear Plush
Red Super Star Trophy
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Jingle Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
I have:
-Caught every fish, bug & sea creature
-Completed my museum
-Gotten every DIY in the game, including all the gold tools, seasonal & mermaid items
-Gotten all the Gulliver & Gullivaar items, including clothing color variants
-Terraformed & decorated my island
-Fully expanded & decorated 4 houses
-Paid off all my mortgages
-Have my forever villagers
-Have every emotion
-Done every holiday/event at least once and received all holiday/event items
-Have a complete catalog
-Received all my villager's photos
-Have millions of bells in the bank
-Earned all the achievements

Honestly, there's nothing left to do, which is why I almost never play any more.
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When I feel like I don't have a reason to keep playing. It's more of a gut check situation and I rarely see it coming. I just reach a point where I know I'm done.
"Completed" is subjective for an open-end game like New Horizons (and the Animal Crossing series in general), but for me, it'd be when I've 100% gotten everything (i.e. all achievements, full catalog, finished museum, all DIYs), except for villager photos since that's a pain even with people giving them away in Nook's Cranny, lol. I'm close to this, but since I don't TT, I still have a fair ways to go (still need all Flick/CJ models, all Gulliver items, the KK Mania achievement and all the new items from the recent update), which I don't mind since it gives me a reason to keep playing daily, lol.
I'd consider AC:NH beat when you have the museum completed, a 5 star island, you have an S rank for HHA, you have all the reactions (so far), you've paid off all loans and you're content with what all you have in your house (which is subjective, I know).
If you're done and never play anymore, I'd suggest Monster Hunter Stories 2 or Skyrim ... Lots to do do there :D
The last two milestones for me were completing the museum and finishing decorating/designing my island. I still have one or two areas of the island I want to fix but I am satisfied with it for the most part and feel like I've done everything I wanted to do.

I have kept playing because I like meeting new villagers and collecting photos. If you've settled on 10 final villagers, obviously that may not be an option, but for anyone open to cycling their villagers, I've found that has helped bring me back when I've gotten bored.
The game is completed for me when I no longer feel any excitement about moving in new villagers or speaking with my current roster of islanders.

Interaction with my islanders keeps me interested. I do look forward to seeing them in my game every day, and taking screenshots of them. Because I'm not an achievement hunter or completionist, it doesn't bug me at all that I don't have a completed museum or achievement list.
like @Rosch said, with all of the content that we’re missing and updates still being rolled out, i don’t think that the game will truly be ‘complete’ for quite a while. but as a completionist, the game that we have now won’t feel complete to me until i’ve done everything, such as;

- getting my island to a 5 star rating
- completing the museum, critterpedia, catalog and every nook mile achievement
- having every diy, reaction, item that i want, 10 villagers and an island design that i’m happy with
- paying off every mortgage

i’ve done most of these things by now, but since i’m still working on my catalog, nook mile achievements and meeting new villagers and obtaining their photos, i don’t see the game being complete for me anytime soon, which i’m happy about. : )
When I catch 100 fish in a row. So, never

Use fish bait, if you still need to catch a specific fish to complete your museum i am sure you will do it. I did it like this, by accident 😅 with fish bait and looking for one rare darn fish 🤣, i believe i completad the challenge way before i finally cathced that darn fish 💀.

Going back to the topic in discussion, i personally also dont play as much as i used to as there is not much to be able to do, i water pumpkins and befriend my villagers to get their photo before i can rotate them. For the moment i am just truly waiting for big updates that hopefully will launch sometime this year which will hopefully not just give us more furniture, seasonal items and more holiday events ( which we also need 😅 ) but that they will finally realize they need to make intrinsic changes to the gameplay dynamic and give us more thongs to actually do in our daily and in-game yearly time not just activities to do in halloween ot christmas but to be able to interact more with our island like for example we get eatable food but after August, how can we get more ? Why can they not make our vending machines, the ones we get from nook mile tickets, work so that at least ehile im playing i can go around my island, talk to some villagers while i am on my way to the vending machine to get a boba or a popsicles. You get what im trying to express? 😅. Btw, also why do i have a siting animation but i can not eat my popsticle by sitting on the sand watching the waves ? Just some food for thought hehe, such a long wait for a small update that comes with glitches or technical errors 😢
Use fish bait, if you still need to catch a specific fish to complete your museum i am sure you will do it.

I believe they're referring to the achievement, 100 fish in a row without fail.
There’s really no end to the game. It’s supposed to be something you improve on day by day. I’m not constantly trying to complete my achievements or anything like that. I take that one day at a time. If they eventually get completed, great. Right now I’m focusing on decorating. Once I’m done decorating, I’m sure there will be old areas I can fix up. I don’t think I’ll ever finish the game.
Whenever you are happy to say you are done.
Its an open ended game.
Yes there are achievements and goals in it, but doing them or not doing them does not determine if the game is over.

I feel confident in saying that even if I don't play as often in the future, I will still be playing my island for years to come.

I hope my time on the game never ends

I just love playing it so much.
I don't really think there is an end to this game but personally I'd feel best putting it down if I got all the fish, bugs, art, fossils, flowers, nook mile stamps, DIYs, crafting all the DYIs, and obtaining all the items. tbh I can't see myself completing all these things though lol
Regardless I don't think I'll always be done with my game because sooner or later I tend to find something somewhere on my island that I want to change/edit. I also really like using the dream suite so as long as people keep on creating beautiful islands I'll keep on playing. :)
I don't think the game is every "completed". It's sort of like the Sims. You can get most of the regular content finished but there's still creative room after that. I actually really enjoy updating the island seasonally or even bi-weekly as things change.
I believe they're referring to the achievement, 100 fish in a row without fail.

yea, yeah, I also mean that one 🙈. I did by accident while i was completing my museum , there was this one river fish which was driving me crazy to get so i used tons of bish bait and i was so desperate to get the fish that any fish that appeared i just catched, I was less nervous to fail and not get my achievement and more concerned to just finding this particular fish.But this is just how it worked for me hahaha😅