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Where did you put your house?


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2013
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The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
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I'm curious to know where most people locate their houses. I'm sure quite a few of you would put your house by the beach or maybe close to the shops? Also, if there is another thread on this topic, would you mind redirecting me? I would not want to have two of the same threads! Sorry for the bother.
Why not add to the topic and put where you put your house? o-o

I put mine between the river and the ocean.... Right on top of a cliff that way no one can move next to me, ever.
My house is not far from the train station on the right, just follow the train line and its not far from the cliff.. No idea why I put it there but can't move it now.
Hi Val! Mine home is @ the center of the map! Just to have equal access to various locations was my reason. Best of luck w/ your town, Val! ^_^
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I put my house behind the Town Hall because it's close to the river, which I like. I also like the fact that when I wake up I can check the citizen satisfaction, etc. quickly.
I put my house near the beach, how clich? of myself.

I say it doesn't matter if it's common, no point trying to be different if it goes against what you want/like.

My house is in a popular place (looking at other threads anyway), and I love it there. I don't regret it. ;P
Mines on the edge of a cliff, beside a ramp leading down to the beach. It's a bit of a walk from everything else, mostly because someone moved in exactly where I was going to place a bridge, but I don't mind.
The edge of a cliff, overlooking the beach & right next to a river flowing into the ocean! With a bit of room in front for my hybrid rose & tulip gardens<3
I put mine close to the ramp to the beach that had my dock, and near the town hall. at the time all my neighbors were on the other side of the river from me, but it didn't take long for several new neighbors to move in all around me. lol

But I mainly wanted to be close to the ocean to fish.
I tried putting it away from the other villagers but chops moved in right in front of me the next day after I got my house, hated him ever since.


What are your honest opinions on the town layout and the house placement? xD
My house is surrounded by the river on 3 sides. I love it.

I originally wanted to place it in-between the river and the tracks but apparently there wasn't enough room. Oh well. Now that I think about it though, it wasn't the best place to put my house anyways. My other character has a permanent tent next to river and I plan on building a camping forest in the area.

My sisters characters are by the waterfall leading to the ocean and the other one is by the river near the train station.
I put mine on the north side of the river in a spot where the river runs east and west so I can see it from the south side of the river. I like to look at it from across the river.
I noticed alot of ppl are annoyed when villagers move in next to them but I actually put my house in the middle my villagers.
They all kinda live in the bottom left side so I just put my house there too. Idk I like living close to villagers(unless they put a house directly in front of mine, I dont mind)
I like where my house is! It's by the beach and a ramp leading to the dock, it's also next to the waterfall and river and there's space in front so I could put a fountain there! :D