where do you buy wii speak...

wiispeak suck:(i have it).nintendo was stupid and made it were the people can here every little thing.i hate it
Caleb said:
wiispeak suck:(i have it).nintendo was stupid and made it were the people can here every little thing.i hate it
So tell your friend to be more respectful and keep things going on in his house as quiet as he can if you hate it that much. I love wii speak personally it makes the game with other people so much funner.
best buy
circuit city (which is going out of business)
other than that, any other placed besides radio shack that sells games
Yetiman15 said:
Caleb said:
wiispeak suck:(i have it).nintendo was stupid and made it were the people can here every little thing.i hate it
So tell your friend to be more respectful and keep things going on in his house as quiet as he can if you hate it that much. I love wii speak personally it makes the game with other people so much funner.

I got my Wiispeak from a friend, he got the City Folk bundle and the separate WiiSpeak both for Christmas.