Where's The Flies?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
For the past two weeks, I have had on my beach, Rotten Turnips, Two Tires, Rusty Parts, Old Can, and a Moldy Shirt, and I still cannot get a fly. I have constant ants but not one fly. The items on the beach have enough clearance from each other and any rocks and things. Also, I have not touched or disturbed them. Does anyone have any idea how to get a fly to appear? Thanks in advance.
You might've missed them - they're VERY small, weirdly smaller than ants, so look for a little moving pixel that buzzes just loud enough to hear.
Thanks, will they be on the same thing as the ants (Turnip) or will they be on something else while the ants are on the Turnip?
On the turnip, it'll land on the little leaf part. It's so small that even when I knew the fly was on it, I was still having a hard time seeing it
I caught one early on in the game, and now my wife's character can't spawn one.
Not with rubbish or turnips.

They just aren't spawning, and we know what to look for. :(
I went months with only flies on my trash until I figured out ants can apparently only spawn on natural ground types. Try putting it on a brick path to keep the ants away.
I have tried everything suggested and still nothing. In the picture is where I have had the trash for the last 3 days. Does anyone have any more suggestions? Thanks again

I have a single tire on the beach in front of my house and see a fly every day. Maybe get rid of all that stuff and just have one trash item in front of your house.

I also often see flies on my single rotten turnip.
I have bad vision (it’s still slightly bad even with glasses) so I’m afraid I’ll never catch one now that I’ve figured out they’re smaller than ants
this made me laugh a bit because my friend could not catch a fly for the life of him. literally i boot up my game, there's a fly on some trash. he just found a fly in december after having the game since launch LOL so i'm sure you'll catch one! i agree with garrett about trying a single piece of trash rather than a grouping. personally, i've had a lot of luck with a single rotten turnip. sometimes they appear simultaneously with ants, but you can catch them both.
In my opinion I found flies the easiest with a used fountain firework. Hopefully you find it soon!
FINALLY!! I saw and caught a fly. I did as some said and put just 1 boot a little ways from Nooks Cranny and when I ran by it once I almost fell over. The fly was actually bigger than I had imagined, easily seen with my aging eyes. There was snow on the ground but not snowing at the time. Thanks to all who helped.
I'm having the same problem. Last time I seen a fly was in September. I need one more to make a model. I check my turnip and trash regularly. Nothing.

I was thinking it might have to do with the colder weather, but after reading these posts, that's not the case.