Which villager(s) do you share your birthday with?


He's from somewhere
Dec 7, 2018
Christmas Gold Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Violet
Yellow Violet
Yellow Candy
Blue Candy
Famous Mushroom
Spring Shamrock
Orange (Fruit)
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Which villager shares your birthday? Do you like them, or even have them in your town? Or do you feel like the villager does your birthday injustice? Have you ever been to their birthday party and then had them come over for your birthday? How was it? Share your birthday-bud and your opinions on them!

I share my birthday with Cherry the uchi dog (may 11th). She has a really cool design and I honestly quite like her. I got her amiibo card so I could have her in my town when our birthday rolls around, so we can celebrate together :)
I share my birthday with two villagers, Butch and Rilla. I've never had either of them in my town so I don't have any strong feelings towards them one way or the other. I can't see myself ever getting any of the Sanrio cards, so I'll never meet Rilla, but if Butch ever moved to town I wouldn't mind celebrating our birthday together.
I share my birthday with Puck and Ganon. Cool.

I don't have either in my town though as I have very specific favorites for the most part.

Maybe if my town theme need a penguin or a pig though I would consider at least one of them as a possible candidate.
i share my birthday with deli, the lazy monkey. i've never had him in my town before, but i like lazy villagers so i could see us getting along just fine~ ^^

also kind of interesting, deli's favorite saying "righty tighty, lefty loosey" is something i say a lot but it isn't my favorite saying.
I share my birthday with Lopez, the smug deer. He's one of my favorite villagers and I quite like him.
If I remember correctly, I once visited him while he had birthday. Not sure if he ever visit me on my
birthday, I don't think so, since I also didn't had him so many times in my towns. It's cool to share
a birthday with him.
I share my birthday with Peewee lol what a guy
I share a birthday with Blaire the squirrel and I quite like her a lot. Her design is so cute and she is very nice for a snooty villager. Her design doesn't match her personality and makes her seem like a peppy villager. Never had her in my town but that would be pretty cool to celebrate our birthdays together. So yeah I like her and I'm glad we share a birthday.
Rolf the tiger! He's super cute and cranky too so I think we'd get along well!
Cyrano. Meh. lol
I share my birthday with Robin! I've never met her anywhere except PC but she's pretty cute. :3
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I share my birthday with Filbert. I've never had him in any of my towns but, he looks really cute.
I share a birthday with Margie, January 28. I've always liked her, one of my favorite elephants
I share a birthday with Francine. I believe she's a really popular villager, so I'm a little surprised.
I share with Puck and Ganon! However I more closely identify with Ganon and his cranky personality!
I share my birthday with violet and honestly she is one of my least favorite looking villagers so I don?t plan on ever moving her into my town unfortunately. Her design is just very distasteful to me.