Which Villagers are you hunting for right now?

I'm not actively hunting but I think Coco and Boone would be a nice addition. Boone has a nice jungle vibe and as for Coco.. I could probably hide all my treasure in her head.
Coco would probably be a nice villager to go along with your island's theme. She always reminded me of one of those totem pole sculptures. Not saying you have to use them, but if you choose to invite them they would fit nicely.

I haven't island jumped myself since I got my starters when I first started the island back in March of last year. I could probably kick one of them out and do some jumping, but I've kind of gotten used to all of them lol.
i’m not hunting for any villagers atm as my island is full, but once i’m able to go island hopping again, i’ll mainly be hunting for friga as i’d really like to have her! though, i’ll also be hunting for my faves as i always do such as lolly, lucky, agnes, rudy, etc. ^^
I'm trying to have one of every species on my island... so my next villager isn't super narrowed down.

Elephant - Tia, Cyd
Hamster - ???
Rabbit - Carmen, Ruby, Genji, Hopkins, Bunnie, Cole
Cat - Kiki, Mitzi, Rudy, Raymond
Ostrich - Julia, Flora, Blanche, Gladys, Cranston
Penguin - Sprinkle, Tex, Roald, Aurora
Pig - Gala, Boris, Agnes
Lion - Bud, Elvis, Rex
Tiger - Tybalt, Bangle, Rolf, Bianca, Leonardo
Goat - Pashmina, Sherb
Mouse - Rod, Bree
Octopus - Marina, Octavian
Cow - Tipper, Patty
Bull - Vic
Anteater - Antonio

There's a list I made a week ago of the remainder species I need to experience and some options I would lean towards. Hamster is in a horrid spot though as I still find them all repulsive besides the super vanilla Hamlet. Octopus is another one that I really am not eager to have.

Pecan and Marshal would also likely walk all over me and come into my island as well cause I really love the Squirrels. Poppy, Sally, and Sylvana would also be very tempting. Fang and Apollo also, but I think I could resist those two at the moment.

I'll actually be hunting Saturday as I'm sadly saying farewell to Wolfgang. He's one of those "Am I going to regret it?" farewells.
Since I restarted a couple of days ago, I have being spending a bit of time trying to figure out my new dreamies for this island... And I finally got the list done. It's always so hard to choose just 10 🥺
Here are the 10 I have settled on:


Should be fun trying to hunt for them all. I have Felicity's and Etoile's amiibo card so that's technically only 8 villagers I gotta spend nmt on. 😂

Now only need to find Skye, Norma, Puddles and Cleo!

I ended up taking Pekoe instead of Cally and Bianca instead of Merry.
I went hunting yesterday for a smug or a snooty. I came across Olaf as my first smug but he reminds me too much of Michael Jackson so I had to leave him behind. Then I saw Kidd! I had him in my first new leaf town and he was such a great smug! I had to take him :D
I'm considering hamlet
I have hamlet on my island and even though I wasn't hunting for a hamster specifically his cuteness won me over more than I'd like to admit.

Although I'm not currently actively looking for new villagers (I'm still trying to get rid of Kevin) but I am wanting villagers who fit with the magical woodland theme of my island from either the wolves or deer family.

This bear is so elusive for me. Why…? She was once available in my campsite but she kept asking to move the villagers I wanted to keep despite all the resets.

Eventually, I got frustrated and gave up because I have bad RNG and never got the correct suit or card color. The forever dialogue didn’t help either.
I have hamlet on my island and even though I wasn't hunting for a hamster specifically his cuteness won me over more than I'd like to admit.

Although I'm not currently actively looking for new villagers (I'm still trying to get rid of Kevin) but I am wanting villagers who fit with the magical woodland theme of my island from either the wolves or deer family.
I ended up not getting him.
I like him but hate the kiddy house he has.

I instead decided to change up my island a bit and got sherb, Billy, cashmere, and tutu