Which world leaders were in office during your lifetime?


I'm on hiatus rn, sorry :(
Aug 31, 2024
They can be a leader from your home country, so they don't have to be American Presidents, btw.

So far, I've lived through just about every single 21st century president to date:

- Bush Jr was in his first term as president at the time I was born, even though I was way too young to remember him being in office at the time I was 5 by the end of his second term.

- Obama was in office during my elementary school years as well as my 6th grade year. He's also the earliest president I can remember being in office.

- Trump had been president during my 7th grade year and was president up until my entire high school years.

- Biden has just became president when I graduated high school.
Born and raised in the US and while I know some world politics I don't know a whole lot, especially not throughout my whole lifetime, so I'll just focus on the US.

I was born at the tail end of Reagan's presidency, after the election of Bush Sr. Bill Clinton was president through my elementary school years. George W Bush was president during my middle school, high school years as well as my first year and a half of college. 2008 was the first presidential election I was eligible to vote in. Barack Obama was president for eight years following, of course. And then the dark ages began in the US when he-who-shall-not-be-named (you know - the convicted felon, boastful sex predator, who incited an insurrection) got "elected" against the will of the people (against the popular vote). Four years later, after that abomination botched up everything Joe Biden was elected (far from my choice of the Dem candidates, but...), putting what seemed like would be an end to the dark ages. But despite all he-who-shall-not-be-named has done that would have made him utterly untenable and illegible to be a leader in any sane world, he's running again. For god's sake, USA, lets not go back to the dark ages. I beg you. Vote Harris.
— Bill Clinton (baby and toddler years)

—George W. Bush

—Barack Obama


—Joe Biden

Other world leaders I recall hearing about:

—Junichiro Koizumi (the Elvis guy)

—Shinzo Abe


—Vicente Fox

—Malcolm Trumbull

—Scott Morrison

—Anthony Albanese

—Noynoy Aquino

—Emperor Akihito

—Empress Michiko

—Emperor Naruhito

—Empress Masako

—Narendra Modi

—Mako Komuro (the former Japanese princess who left the Imperial family to marry a “commoner”)

—various Chinese leaders

—Cuba and North Korea


—Boris Yeltsin

—Helmut Kohl

—Elizabeth II (if she counts)

—Princess Diana (died when I was one)

—Charles III

—Moon Jae-in

—Yoon Suk Yeol

—Boris Johnson

—Liz Truss

—Rishi Sunak

—Keir Starmer

—Angela Merkel

—Justin Trudeau

—Stephen Harper

—Emmanuel Macron

—Francois Hollande

—Benazir Bhutto

—Pedro Sanchez


Lyndon B. Johnson was the President the year I was born.He was followed by:
Richard Nixon,Gerald Ford,Jimmy Carter,Ronald Reagan,George H.W. Bush,Bill Clinton,George W. Bush,Barack Obama,Don John Trump and Joe Biden.

I do remember some leaders of other countries like Leonid Brezhnev,Margaret Thatcher,Indira Ghandi,Francois Mitterand,Menachem Begin and Tony Blair.I think I might have misspelled a couple of those names.
They can be a leader from your home country, so they don't have to be American Presidents, btw.

So far, I've lived through just about every single 21st century president to date:

- Bush Jr was in his first term as president at the time I was born, even though I was way too young to remember him being in office at the time I was 5 by the end of his second term.

- Obama was in office during my elementary school years as well as my 6th grade year. He's also the earliest president I can remember being in office.

- Trump had been president during my 7th grade year and was president up until my entire high school years.

- Biden has just became president when I graduated high school.
I’m just about the same but two school years ahead. A girl on my bus was asking people who they would vote for in 2008. I’m not sure if I remember Bush or not.
I guess I was born with Bush Sr. Was in office. I don't remember him, but I remember Clinton! Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden so far.
.... a lot of 'B' names..
For the US: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.