Trading Whitney in boxes need to be gone asap please

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Twinkle Shyheart
Oct 28, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
100% (26) +
looking for
looking for a jock and peppy personality as well
will trade for bells if i dont get a trade for a villager on here
sorry i got a bad memory as of late here
i need her out as soon asap

whitney never told me she was moving was tt when iwas tokdby isabelle that shemoving -_-
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ahh i sadly dont have any of the villagers you're looking for, but i can offer 2m bells? she's a dreamy of mine ;o;

i can add more if you'd like!!
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ive been given a offer of 8mil bells but the person who offered isnt online and i really need to move on tt i promised a few villagers to ppl and whitbey house is blocking my door

- - - Post Merge - - -

i cant wait much longer holding her so if you really want her everyone please post your offers now after foodillbe rehoming her
ahh i sadly dont have any of the villagers you're looking for, but i can offer 2m bells? she's a dreamy of mine ;o;

i can add more if you'd like!!

if no one else offers after i finisg my food shell most likely be yours seeing as i need her gone
omg im actually kind of nervous about this because i just really like whitney and my offer seems so low and easy to outbid ;_;

like the max i can offer is 3mil because that's all i have.... rest in peace
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omg im actually kind of nervous about this because i just really like whitney and my offer seems so low and easy to outbid ;_;

like the max i can offer is 3mil because that's all i have.... rest in peace

kk done ive finished food you ready i have a few rules though when
visiting kk no running, stealing, no upsetting the locals lucky being very sensaitive as of late and static -_- boys it always the boys

anyway drop yourbells by the station feel free to use the checkpoint ill close the gate after youarrive and save between the drops and if we get resetti up ill open the gate again straightaway so be sure to come back if we get error , once allthe bells are dropped follow me to whitney housr isnt far its the blue house in front of my blueand pink house right in front -_-

kk im going to add you now my town is called Fantasia my mayor is Twinkle ^_^ whitney all yours
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