Who hates this game?


Junior Member
Jan 13, 2016
I thought I would enjoy this game, I clearly do not. It could have been DLC for NL.
Its so stupid, its like an add on. like bye. WHAT TRASH!!!!!!
It's a spinoff, not a full game. It's more of a casual once-a-day game than New leaf. Personally I think its quite fun, but its not for everyone.
Some people like it more than others

And I've seen a lot of your posts today Crystals

Some friendly advice: Don't be rude, you're gonna have a bad time here if you do, you'll get banned like other rude people
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It's not a bad game, sure I get frustrated when playing it. But it's really not a bad game.

Also, stop being disrespectful to others....
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It's apparent that you bought the game without prior knowledge of it. If you watched even one video on gameplay, you would see that it is not a "New Leaf." They make it very clear that it is an "addon" to the series; a spin off.

It's okay to not like the game but to criticize it over that is foolish.
The game is called Happy Home Designer. It's very literal. I think you need to temper your expectations.
Hey kid? I love your attitude. I'm so fond of it.

If you have a problem with all the "trash" people here, then get out. Nobody wants you here because you treat everyone like crap anyway. I don't know if you're just doing it for attention, but let me be the thousandth to tell you that it isn't cute. Go ahead and give me a bad rating, it'll just show how you're no better than us trash. Have an absolutely fabulous day.
Exactly, it is an add on. It's only a spin-off. It's clear you didn't know that it wasn't another full game. Also, if you want to fit in and actually make friends, some advice is to start being polite. Lots of people here are nice, and will ignore you if you are rude. The only way to win things is by being kind and courteous.
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Problem is, it's aimed at a VERY specific player of Animal Crossing (what a lot of Japanese players tend to be if you've ever visited some Japanese dream towns you'll know what I'm talking about). You've got to REALLY enjoy decorating, and I mean really, REALLY, REALLY love it, because it's going to get boring really fast if you don't! I actually quite enjoy it, but then again, I spent 3 years working on perfecting my Wild World house, and just over 2 on my New Leaf houses, so yeah, to do this over and over and over- sign me up!!
I thought I would dislike the game a bit, but I actually love it. I play it between NL sessions.. I can't wait to discover all the little quirks that I'm sure are in it, as with all AC titles.