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Who is best astrologer in Delhi ?

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I found Shastryji 08688534743 to be friendly and informative astrologer in Delhi. At the beginning he says that this is not like reading your horoscope in the paper and he is absolutely right. This was better, because it's specific to you and you are a blend of different elements. My reading blew me away, I even got a little choked up towards the end. I kept nodding my head every few minutes because some of the information provided was like a confirmation of why I do some of the things I do. It was also like an answer to questions about my personality I didn't even know I had. He even recommended books for me to read based on my life's purpose.

Jamie's reading was accurate and in-depth, keying in on the most relevant current themes in my life and expressing insights in down-to-earth language. I know a lot of astrology myself, so I was able to see how she was coming up with her insights, and I was very impressed. She knows how to read the symbols in a very coherent and specific way, making it meaningful and useful to me.

I was also very impressed with his warm manner and excellent sense of humor. It was truly a joy to get the reading from him and I appreciate it. I recommend Shastryji without hesitation.
Hi all,

Most people, when they think of jyotish, the Indian system of astrology, invariably (and in my opinion mistakenly) think of temples, gongs, incense, pot-bellied priests, amulets, poojas and gemstones - all against the background of indecipherably mysterious but soothing chants. It seems that despite all the 'airing' that has gone on over last many years and despite the increasing openness in recent years - some individuals still consider jyotish as being some kind of a cloistered and sacred closet that has a mystical aura without which it cannot exist (therein lies the myth!). Some of these myths originate from ignorance or perhaps from partial knowledge while others are really rationalizations put forth by tropical astrologers who feel the need to reconcile with the differences caused by different frameworks but somewhat rules and symbolism.
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May be Swetha Like any other form of astrology, jyotish has its share of psychics that knowingly or inadvertently use the horoscope and astro-symbolism as launching pads for their psychic readings. The advice they give is valuable and accurate, perhaps more so than that given by many astrologers, but their experiences should not be converted into astrological rules as they pose a problem for those who truly utilize astrological rules as a logical structure. Perhaps there is no purely logical astrologer as all of us are psychic and intuitive to some extent, but we are talking about relative degrees of logic vs gut feeling here.
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Hi Charr

While denigrated and brushed aside as a fatalistic activity by nay Sayers, jyotish and its associated 'Hindu' theory of karma (though "Do unto others as you would be done by", the famous and familiar saying is hardly of Hindu origin or in Sanskrit, for that matter!) do not promote fatalism (doom and gloom!) or in any incontrovertible fate or predestiny as being cast in the granite of time. Quite the opposite is true, actually! This is indicated by the very significant role of muhurta or elective astrology (choose the right moment and you can change your basic fate) and remedial astrology (karma can be changed) are powerful messages against such 'modern' myths that try to chain jyotish in the fetters created by their ignorance of what is the true big picture. If fate is sealed and we are merely sinning and hopelessly spiritual failures of puppets in the hands of some patriarchal God as some religious thoughts of more modern vintage would like us to believe, then what purpose does astrology serve? Other than confirming the morose existence and dire fate that we are destined to bear through our lifetimes and beyond (some even do not think there is a beyond!) - how would knowing a fate that cannot be changed serve us or our spiritual progress?
Agree, Swetha.

Remedies on the other hand provide a ray of hope, but the concept while great can suffer the same fate as the opposite concept of predestined fate does. There are remedies and there are remedies. The commonest favorite being expensive gemstones and the recent trend of a large number of priests in some distant part of the globe chanting your sins away, for a donation. Astrologers are a resourceful bunch - always falling over one another in their eagerness to help! If gemstones are too expensive, they offer secondary and even tertiary gemstones; even a metal plate with mystic numbers engraved would do in a clinch! The list is endless and the sources for these are not any less in number. But can it all be that simple? Paying for your past sins is not a new concept and is prevalent in all religions other than some very modern bubbly ones, of course. But the concept of a rich person being able to clean up his karmic plate by frequent visits to the jeweler or to the internet-based priest is a bit difficult to absorb! I am not saying that this may be necessarily impossible, but difficult to accept lock stock and barrel, all the same.
I would like to say, char, Astrology -- if we take a step away from the usual beaten path, falls into a domain that many skeptics would consider as being one infused with superstitious 'magical' thinking. Most of these people are grossly misinformed, if not totally ignorant, and convincing them by using their rules of understanding becomes even more difficult because truth be told, we astrologers ourselves do not fully know the detailed modus operandi of astrology. We take for granted many primary assumptions or axioms. Some examples would be: why does Jupiter signify as a karaka for children? Why is Aries ruled by mars?? How do different orientations of the zodiac work - simultaneously??? How do planets affect us or how do they indicate certain effects?? When does fate reign supreme and when does free-will take the reins? Despite the lack of concrete and rational explanations, we continue to practice and believe in astrology because we and those who came before us have empirically observed that it works!
This, in itself is not something that we should feel tiny about! Many of the modern pharmaceutical preparations that we use, started out as folk remedies, were used for centuries because someone serendipitously happened to try those out, and the blessed weeds worked! The path from 'superstition' to science may to the open mind, would seem to extend from the willow bark to the wonder drug aspirin! Such may also be true for astrology, in an analogous manner.
Of course, charr, I consider open-minded astrologers as a daring breed of pioneers willingly exploring uncharted waters! But, many of us modern astrologers draw the line when it comes to the use of astro-remedies. Remedies such as gemstones, which are believed to resonate with or against certain planetary vibrations or qualities, one must admit, assume a lot and do require a strong modicum of belief. One asks: What are these planetary vibrations? Why can we not measure these with our marvelous scopes and gauges? Are these energies akin to light, magnetism, sound, or do they represent a subtle form of energy that lies tantalizingly just beyond our boundaries of physical perception? On somewhat similar principles rests the basis for using natural essences (flower essences), herbs, which are utilized in rectifying ill effects caused by or relating to planetary afflictions. The long line-up extends at least upto the horizons of our perception and conceptualization
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Ah yes, Vedic astrology, despite its very strong ties with the Karmic hypothesis and its implied 'fatalistic' misconception, has a very well developed and detailed remedial system. Ironically, this also underscores the fact that Vedic astrology supports the view that destiny can be changed by our willful actions and certain procedures, and hence really advocates the supremacy of individual choice and free-will! The remedial medicine bag of the Jyotishi (Vedic astrologer) includes tools such as penance, fasting, special spiritually-endowed sound vibrations (mantras), glyphs and devices (yantras) and religious ceremonies (pooja) with charity (the concept of tithe may sound more familiar to some readers of this article!). Some of these measures undoubtedly sound fantastic, perhaps even voodooishly magical to the 'modern' mind, and even to some who have otherwise an unshakable faith in the veracity of astrology! In matters of 'belief' such as these, there is always a degree of personal decision involved. We alone can ultimately decide how far we would be willing to let our circle of acceptance stretch, regardless of the perceived or actual truth in the phenomenon under scrutiny! It must be noted that even within science, many scientific phenomena may sound magical and fantastic -- despite detailed and satisfactory explanations -- to those who are not specialists in the specific area. Medicine is probably privileged to have a lion's share of these over the years that it has ruled the roost of healing crafts.
Agree Charr, with your conceptualization In Vedic astrology, a given planet is described as having two kinds of attributes. It is either strong/weak (a quantitative attribute) or benefic/malefic (a qualitative attribute). One need not block ones mind by getting hung up on the terms. Many astrologers refer to these two attributes interchangeably, sometimes out of carelessness. On the other hand there also exist in traditional texts references to planets which are cruel, kruras -- the sun for instance -- but which are not necessarily malefic; somewhat akin to having a strict father or teacher! It is important to understand that gemstones are only capable of strengthening weak planets. They must not be used when the planet is a malefic. As a ready-reckoner, when a planet is in exaltation, in its own sign, in its special sign (moolatrikona), in the sign of a friend, in an angle or trine or in its angle or kendra of power (e.g., Jupiter, mercury in 1st, Venus, moon in 4th, Saturn in 7th and mars, sun in 10th), then it is strong. A similar brief consideration for determining a malefic planet would be: if it rules the 6th, 8th or 12th houses or if it rules the obstructive or badhaka house (11th, 7th or 9th signs from the ascendant if the latter is in a cardinal, mutable or fixed sign, respectively), etc. Evidently there is more to these attribute determinations than this. This has practical implications. For example, if the lord of the 6th house is weak (moon for an Aquarius horoscope), we must not recommend that the person wear pearls! On the other hand, if the sun is in Libra in the same horoscope, wearing a ruby (sun's gemstone) would improve matters pertaining to the 7th house!
Hi setha

I prefer to view a birth chart as a map of the earthly manifestation and allocation of the cosmic energy, the breath of life primarily for the current lifetime. The horoscopic houses are the 12 corridors of human experience that are illuminated by the 7 planetary candles, all of which are manifestations of the Prime Energy Source from which the more you take, the same remains behind. Each planet finds certain corridors that are harmoniously and brightly lit by its light. These represent the strong positions for the given planet. There are also those corridors that would not be well lit by the same planet's presence there (the planetary energy is not fully expressed). In such a case, one may resort to boosting the light, by using the lenses or reflectors in the form of gemstones or herbs. Of the 7 candles, some candles have a clean flame (benefic), while others also produce smoke (malefic)! A candle might produce an intensely bright and blinding light with plumes of smoke (a strong malefic) or it might produce a smokeless dim light (weak benefic).
Think of it this way, if gemstones are reflectors or condenser lenses, then penance and mantra are like HEPA filter air purifiers in this analogy!
Probably the most important and practical remedial procedure that I have found extremely effective in my experience involves penance, fasting and charity. It must be realized that not all karma can be dissolved away with upaayes or remedies. Not all karma needs to be dissolved. Karma is what generates our lessons and if we are not here in this earthly plane to learn, then why are we here?
Good one Swetha,

I shall now describe a very simple method that one can follow or prescribe to others without fear of setting up some sort of a karmic cascade. The first step in this is to determine planets that are likely to represent significant karmic areas. Some of the nativities would be very aware of their selves, they would have done the basic homework and this can be quite effective and helpful to the jyotishi. Something as important and as ancient a companion such as our karma, the body of our actions, cannot be expected to leave its signature only in our charts! It would leave its traces in our palm prints, our thoughts and actions, our experiences in life and in cyclic and repetitive actions or circumstances that are strategically placed along our path to attract our attention from other distractions in life!
In a case such as this, where there is no clearly defined benefic, gemstones do not form a good method of remedying karma. On the advice of someone, this individual had tried wearing a pearl and within hours developed a severe sinus infection that became widespread and toxic landing her into an emergency room and kept her hospitalized for a few days.
We have talked a bit about the horoscope, the different houses, but we have not talked a lot about one very significant factor in jyotish, namely the planetary period that one is experiencing, the vimshottari dasha! In this nativity's case, from mid-1996 she has started the 17 years long mercury mahadasha.
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