Who is going to be the mayor?

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- Gone -
Jul 17, 2015
Since Isabelle joins Smash, it seems the town hall is kinda empty now, hm?

But anyway, a new Animal Crossing game is on the way (yay!) and I would like
to hear your opinion: Do you think that the player is going to be the mayor again?
Would you like to be the mayor again? Or do you think that maybe someone else
(a NPC) is getting the mayor job? Maybe Tom Nook? Or someone new we don't
know yet? Would it bother you if a NPC becomes the mayor?

Personally, I don't care if I become the mayor again or a NPC. If a NPC becomes the
mayor, then I hope it's a nice character and not some annoying freak and that you still
have the possibility to choose a town ordinance and decide which PWPs we can build
(or in general have the possibility to decide things for your town). If the player becomes
the mayor agian then I hope that we get some more freedom when it comes to build the
town and that we can do more, like making our own holiday for example.

So yeah, what do you think?
Honestly if Isabelle was mayor that would be adorable. But I still wanna be mayor for sure, but the thing is I'd be even more excited about being the founder. :) I think they'll stick with that honestly. But whatever they decide I just wanna be able to have the same perks that came with it in NL. :)
im sure we will still be mayor and definitely agree with smonikkims being the town founder would be awesome imagine going into a town with absolutely nothing no houses no shops and as the founder you start opening shops up and picking where villagers get to go like in happy home designer
I hope it’s Tortimer only because I dislike his island outfit and if we ever get an amiibo I’d want it based off his classic outfit

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I hope it?s Tortimer only because I dislike his island outfit and if we ever get an amiibo I?d want it based off his classic outfit
Through the AC games we've been slowly increasing our status. We've gone from being a kid to being a mayor, so maybe we get promoted to the next step up. Maybe as acnllover1234 said we could be the town founder, or maybe we're mentoring a future mayor and working with them (although that seems to complex). Maybe we become a president :p

If not, all signs are kinda pointing to Nook being the mayor. He is the one who said he's got a lot to organise for the new town and he's also been the character used in the promotion pcs Nintendo has used so far, not Isabelle. So I think Tom Nook may be our replacement Isabelle?
More than likely is gonna be the player again. Isabelle still mentioned the Villager being the mayor in her trailer so that would probably mean the mayor = player feature is returning again.

Even then it would feel like a heavy downgrade overall if Mayor abilities were removed.
you know what would be fun? elections. I miss the feeling from the earlier games where you were just some small new dumb kid and the villagers treated you like some small new dumb kid. I think it'd be so so cool if you could start off with that and slowly gain the villagers' respect and compete in an election with other players (or even special characters? It'd be so cute if their campaigns / the way they run as mayor would reflect their occupations e.g. leif would advertise a "greener, cleaner town", if blathers or celeste ran villagers would stay up later and talk a lot more about donating to the museum -- even unlocking certain pwps during specfic npcs' time as mayor would give players an incentive to let them win occasionally but I'm rambling)

Players would still have some control over the town of course (being able to build pwps) but maybe ordinances/building special pwps/unlocking new areas and features would only come with being mayor. I have no idea how often and how these elections would work but ahhhHh would it be cool as heck
I honestly feel like anything less than being the mayor would be a bit of a step back! I suppose I wouldn’t mind if we still got to build PWPs and things, although I don’t know what other role they could give that would explain why we have that power loool xD I would be pretty happy to see them just expand on the mayor role we already have. :p
you know what would be fun? elections.

Now that's a pretty cool idea. Especially the part with getting the respect of the villagers is nice,
like instead of automatically be BFFs with them (like it feels in New Leaf), you have to show them
that you're not the new dumb kid, which is like kinda a challenge. I would really like it if they would
do this in the new game.
In my opinion, since Isabelle is away fighting in Smash, Tom Nook would very much like to take the place of mayor of the town, but having already a whole home business empire to take care of, he might offer the player the job, if he is willing to buy a house from him. I know that sounds a little bit crazy, but I think Tom Nook will want to try to take over the town somehow hahahahahah.
I'm hoping Isabelle, she deserves the promotion. I would love to be president over multiple towns! would be awesome~
I don?t think smash has anything to do with their canon games. You must remember, they are toys fighting. And also, Isabelle is a kart racer in Mario Kart 8. Not only that, rumors are going around that your character is no longer a mayor. Instead, you are a town founder. So with all this. Isabelle is now supposedly the new mayor.
Not only that, rumors are going around that your character is no longer a mayor. Instead, you are a town founder.

Do you have any sources for this? Not that I don't trust you but I'd like to know more. I REALLY would love this to be a thing! Are you referring to the guy that leaked the name Animal Crossing: Town Founder?
Do you have any sources for this? Not that I don't trust you but I'd like to know more. I REALLY would love this to be a thing! Are you referring to the guy that leaked the name Animal Crossing: Town Founder?
I found out about this, I feel like it could be true. Also the fact that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC pack 1 was in there. I had to believe it.

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I’m also stating my guesses on that leaked title name and how the storyline is gonna play out.
I gotta say I don't care for the actual title if it does end up being what they go with (I think it sounds like more of a placeholder) but what it states is exactly what I would like, so hey ho, what does the title really matter xD
Well. Town founder or not, Isabelle is going to be the new mayor either way.
The elections idea on the front page would be cool. It would also give the opportunity for you to give mayorship to a second player (like I know it's frustrating in the ACNL when you wished your second character was mayor).
I think that we're either going to be a mayor or put into a position where we interact with the villagers and plan the town. Maybe we can take on a role similar to HHD, or a town planner? We're definitely going to be able to customize our town so we're going to have some kind of role where we can; like others have said it'd be a step backwards if we couldn't.
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