Who said snowballs need a lot of space to spawn?

The confusion was partly my fault. The video I watch recommended a large area because he liked to have all his snowmen together in one area. I worded it wrong at first.
Well, I suggested a lot of space because I needed to clear space for mine to spawn. And the amount of space you show is... well, more space then I have without any paths or furniture. So I guess we just have a different idea of what "a lot" of space means, because that fits for me 😂
I think it isn't necessary, but it does make it easier to roll the correct size and get the 2nd one close in.
I finally got mine to spawn after reloading my game, but I wonder why they wouldn't spawn at first. I have a few empty areas that should be big enough.
I finally got mine to spawn after reloading my game, but I wonder why they wouldn't spawn at first. I have a few empty areas that should be big enough.
Honestly, they seem like they can be pretty fickle- sometimes they seem to want to make a big entrance!
The confusion was partly my fault. The video I watch recommended a large area because he liked to have all his snowmen together in one area. I worded it wrong at first.

It's fine. Hopefully this helps everyone out there struggling.