Who still plays...

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
ACCF? I don't really. Haven't in about three or four months. Don't intend on playing it for a while still. Got too bored with it after a while. (Reason I didn't post this in the accf forum was because then all of the noobs who play it would say I play it and we all ready know that. :p)
I still do, but I take brakes(like a week or two)
but recently, I lost like 1/3 of my hybrids, so I feel kinda bummed out
I don't play it much like ill play and then wait 3 weeks then play again for like 2mins.
Well, as most people know, the game got boring for me like after 3 months. Strangely, the GCN version for me had the biggest replay value (I played it for a year and a half then got bored.)
I stopped playing too. I didn't have time everyday to go on the wii and play. Every 3 weeks or so I go on if I am bored.
I went on it today for 3mins because im bored but thats the first time in like 3 months
Animal Crossing CF & WW are boring(havent play the Gamecube version but want to)
If I do go on, it's for about 10 minutes. It gets boring now.
Meh, it needs some more events. Instead of just repeating them.